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"If we don't rise we fall, there is a war inside. Can you see the bullets fly? Can you hear the battle cry?" Rise or Fall, The Rigs

It was the fourth day of war and the weather was getting colder by the day. The pleasant warm breeze was slowly turning to a cold one, biting at any exposed skin. It was getting harder to wake up in the mornings and Temari now pulled the blanket up to her chin when she slept. She also noticed Shikamaru holding her tighter when they slept, guess he was feeling the winter creeping closer as well.

There was sand troops that was supposed to have arrived yesterday, but still, on the fourth day of war there was no sign of them. It's like they disappeared into thin air, but how could an entire army disappear without a trace. Something strange was happening.

The mechanical devil on the bedside table next to Temari began screaming, causing her to growl in irritation and smack the thing harder than what was necessary.

"I think you broke my alarm clock." Shikamaru mumbled sleepily.

"Why do you even have one if you just continue to sleep?" Temari growled irritated.

"Because otherwise I don't wake up." He mumbled his reply.

"Is this what you call waking up?" Temari asked as she turned around in Shikamaru's arms to look at his sleeping face.

"Yes." He said his eyes still closed, obviously still sleeping.

She wondered if he was sleep talking, was it actually possible for Shikamaru to hold a conversation with her while he slept...

"Well I'm getting up now." Temari said as she untangled herself from Shikamaru who groaned in displeasure.

Temari got up and gathered her clothes before heading to the shower while Shikamaru pulled the blankets over his face. Temari ate after she showered and got ready for the day. She clipped her fan on her back as she headed back to Shikamaru's room.

"I'm heading to the office, I want to ask Gaara something." Temari said leaning against the door to the bedroom they both shared now.

"Alright I'll meet you there." Shikamaru mumbled, making her smile.

"I'll come fetch you if you're late and still sleeping." She said amused before she turned around and left.


Temari greeted everyone as she entered the office and walked over to Gaara who sat next to Naruto at his desk.

"Do you know what happened to the sand troops that Baki sent over to Konoha?" Temari asked standing before Gaara.

"No, I have no idea. They should have arrived yesterday. I'll send a message to Baki asking him where they are." Gaara answered, something in his tone informing Temari something was bothering him as well.

Gaara used his jutsu to form a message with his sand. Kankurou walked over to the window since he was the closest and opened it. The sand bundled together then sped off to Suna. Kankurou closed the window after the sand was out, since the wind was cold.

The door opened hastily followed by a shinobi holding a scroll.

"What is it?" Naruto asked as the ninja burst through the door.

"It's an urgent message for the Kazekage, sir." The ninja replied, panting as he jogged to the front of Naruto's desk then bowed in respek.

The ninja obviously ran all the way here. He returned to his full length then turned to Gaara and gave the scroll to Gaara, bowed again then left closing the door behind him. Gaara opened the scroll while Kankurou leaned over his shoulder to read it as well and Temari just stood behind them, but read it as well.

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