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"You never thought we'd go to war, after all the things we saw" - Six days, Dj Shadow feat. Mos Def

It was just past midnight and the perfect full moon hung heavy in the night sky. Shining its ominous brilliance on the pitch black abyss below. However the moon was somewhat eerie in the desert sky tonight. The night contradicted the day as its freezing coldness swallowed the blazing heat of the day.

The mass lonely sand was swept away by the cold gust. Carrying the sand to discover new places until they finally rested on a new sand dune. Helping the small mountain to grow slowly in height. There was no life in the waterless desert, except one...

It was a village known as Suna.

A village that strived in a desert so harsh. The whole village was sound asleep, except one man who stood on a rooftop and overlooked his village as well as the desert he controlled. Gaara stood on the roof of the Kazekage mansion and looked at the horizon of the desert.

He had arrived back in his village this afternoon with Kankurou and was surprised to see all Suna's Shinobi still here, except Temari of course. In the end he asked Baki what was going on and found his answer.

It turns out no other village was experience the same problem Konoha was, except the Shinobi that where in Konoha when this problem started. Luckily Gaara and Kankurou got out before they disappeared as well. However Gaara finally found out why his troops never made it to Konoha...

They would always just reach the border of the land of wind and fire when they'll all teleport right back to Suna's gates. They tried numerous times to get past the border to Konoha, but they never made it, they only teleported back to Suna over and over again. But why?

Was someone trying to stop Suna from helping Konoha? Was someone trying to save, or destroy Konoha?

Gaara mused over his thoughts as he felt the sand of the desert shift and mule over each other, never standing still. Gaara was finely in tuned with the desert, he could feel when something or someone disturbed the sands around the village. However the sands were especially restless tonight. But that could have something to do with the lightning raining down in a concentrated area.

Gaara knew the lightning was anything but normal for there were no clouds in the desert to generate lighting. The lighting simply appeared out of thin air to skewer the loose sands below. It was unnatural. Gaara watched silently as the lightning bolts inched slowly towards the village. His village.

Gaara had a fleeting suspicion as to who the lightning belonged to, but he wasn't certain. After all it was only a suspicion. The lightning flashes grew brighter and the bangs harder as electricity crackled through the air. Gaara walked to the gates of the village and waited as the sands near the village grew even more restless and the lighting grew intimidating close. Gaara stood emotionless as a tall man approached him while the lighting ceased.

His suspicion was correct.

"Where's Sakura?" He asked almost as emotionless as Gaara talked, almost.

Like Gaara knew where Sakura was...Gaara would've expected him to ask for water or something warm first, since it was extremely cold and dry. However that wasn't the case. Guess water and heat wasn't important for him just of yet.

"I don't know." Gaara answered him with crossed arms, why would he know where she is?

"I didn't know you where the flashy type, Sasuke." Gaara said with crossed arms.

"It kept the bandits away, they were getting on my nerves." Sasuke said with no emotion, except the constant scowl on his face and the slight annoyance in his voice.

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