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"If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find. Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side. Cause I don't wanna lose you now. I'm lookin' right at the other half of me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold." - Mirrors Justin Timberlake


"What are you two doing here?" Temari asked with a nervous smile while she pretended that nothing was wrong.

Although she knew Kankurou and Gaara noticed it in an instance.

"We came for you Temari." Gaara said walking towards Temari with Kankurou next to him.

"Yeah, you had us worried sick about you." Kankurou said with a friendly, yet relieved smile.

Temari involuntarily took a step back, she didn't mean to, but it happened anyway and Gaara noticed it. Even though Gaara didn't show it he felt hurt about the gesture. He never thought that an action like that would come from his own sister. She wasn't the shame big sister he remembered. Temari backed up against Shikamaru who was blocking her path behind her.

"He's not the monster you remember anymore Temari." Shikamaru whispered in her ear with his hands in his pockets.

"A tiger doesn't simply change his stripes Shikamaru." Temari whispered back with a scowl.

"You're save Temari, trust me... Give him a chance." Shikamaru said reassuringly, but Temari didn't reply.

Temari swallowed hard as Gaara stopped right in front of her. His piercing green eyes looked straight into her teal eyes. Temari held her breath as Gaara came closer than she would've liked, then her eyes widened and she was shocked to her very core. Both Shikamaru and Kankurou stared at Gaara with shocked wide eyes while their jaws dropped.

Gaara did something he's never done before...

He closed the gap between him and Temari and for the first time ever he hugged her. Temari was speechless as she stiffened in his arms. Kankurou closed his mouth and smiled as his face softened. He walked over to Temari and Gaara and wrapped his arms around both of them as well.

The sand siblings where finally reunited again.

Shikamaru closed his mouth as well as the corner of his mouth lifted into a small smile. Gaara was really worried about her if he showed affection in public. It wasn't something he did at all.

"We missed you Temari." Kankurou chuckled as Temari smiled and relaxed in her brothers arms.

The brothers silently let go of their sister while Kankurou chuckled and Temari's usually harsh face softened.

"Let's get you guys to the Hokage, we have a few things to discuss after all." Shikamaru smirked as they all followed him.

"Why do you get to escorts us, I like the other woman more." Kankurou whined as he pouted making Temari lift an eyebrow at her little brothers comment.

It also made her woman what woman caught her little brothers attention.

"He was already here Kankurou." Gaara said calmly.

"Besides I usually escort Temari and she was here before you two arrived, so I guess I'll be escorting the sand siblings while you're here." Shikamaru sighed making Temari chuckle softly.

"Whatever, you are totally going to ignore us and escort Temari around." Kankurou scoffed as Gaara rolled his eyes.

"You got a problem with that?" Temari said with a smirk.

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