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▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ - Time skip
.............. - POV change
"Don't be gone too long cause you won't be there to love me when you're gone Don't be gone too long tell me who's gonna love me when you're gone?" - Don't be gone too long Chris brown
Temari's eyes shot open as she gasped looking around with wide eyes.

"You had the same dream, didn't you?" Shikamaru said sleepily.

"Yes." Temari nodded, looking to her left where Sakura and Sai was sleeping in the tent and to her right was Shikamaru.

"Come here." Shikamaru said opening his arm to Temari as she snuggled closer to him.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." Temari said softly into his chest.

"It's okay, you're safe now." Shikamaru whispered soothingly as they both fell asleep after a while.

It was the last night of their journey, tomorrow they'll be arriving in the Sound village but every night it was the same story, she would keep having the same dream and Shikamaru would be there to comfort her.

"If I was you two I would wake up before Sakura comes back and make a scene of this." Sai smiled at the two as he woke them up.

"Thanks Sai." Shikamaru mumbled still asleep still holding Temari.

Temari stood up out of Shikamaru's arms but she left him to continue his sleep. Temari stepped out in the fresh air outside stretching just as Sakura arrived.

"Oh, so you two are awake." Sakura said grinning.

"No, Shikamaru's still asleep." Temari said bluntly.

"You're kidding me?" Sakura sweat dropped.

"Nope." Temari replied.

"Well, wake him up." Sakura said.

"Why should I? you want him awake." Temari shrugged.

"Fine." Sakura said glaring at Temari.

"Shikamaru wake up." Sakura said poking her head in the tent but got ignored by Shikamaru so Sakura left, fanishing into the forest.

"Where are you going?" Temari called to Sakura.

"You'll see." Sakura called back.

"Poor Shikamaru." Sai commented shaking his head.

"What?" Temari asked confused.

"She used to this to Naruto when he didn't want to wake up. It's cruel, but effective." Sai shrugged as Temari simply shook her head and let it go.

Sakura returned with a bottle of water after a while making Temari understand exactly what she was getting at. Sakura entered the tent and cleared the area around Shikamaru then started pouring the water over Shikamaru's head.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Shikamaru exclaimed as he shot out of his makeshift bed with speed nobody knew he had.

"Easy way to wake people up." Sakura grinned as everyone gathered their stuff so it won't get wet while Shikamaru rubbed his face dry outside.

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