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"City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged." - Fast car Jasmine Thompson

"What happened?" Temari groaned to herself as she rolled over to her other side on the comfy bed.

"You passed out." A voice said bluntly next to her.

Temari's eyes shot open in a instance as her natural instincts kicked in. She located the source of the voice and kicked as hard as she could sending the source of the voice flying of the bed.

"Dammit Temari! This is the second time you kicked me off my own bed!" Shikamaru groaned from the floor clutching his ribs in pain.

"Shit Shikamaru! You scared the hell out of me." Temari exclaimed as her muscles relaxed again after she realized it was only Shikamaru.

"I should've seen that coming." Shikamaru sighed staying on the floor.

"Are you just going stay on the floor?" Temari asked confused looking over the bed at him.

"Yes, pass me a pillow troublesome woman." Shikamaru dead panned as Temari through him hard with a pillow.

"Thanks." Shikamaru said sarcastically not amused about being abused by his own pillow.

"Your welcome." Temari grinned from the bed lying on her stomach so she could see Shikamaru on the floor.

"So what do you remember from yesterday?" Shikamaru asked from the floor.

"I remember Sakura releasing me from the hospital..." Temari mused, but got interrupted by Shikamaru.

"I mean what do you remember from your past?" Shikamaru asked rolling his eyes as he rested his head on the pillow that Temari tried to kill him with when she threw it.

"It's all a little foggy, but I'm sure it'll become clearer." Temari replied vaguely.

"What do you remember about Gaara?" Shikamaru asked curiously as Temari shivered slightly.

"He's the one tail jinchuuriki." Temari replied in a guarded tone not going into detail about what she remembers.

"What's the last thing you remember from your past?" Shikamaru asked eyeing her.

"A mission with my brothers when we were kids." Temari answered not meeting Shikamaru's eyes.

Shikamaru knew it was all before the chunnin exam because she would've said something about it.

"Hey lazy ass, where's the shower?" Temari asked changing the subject.

"Like I'll tell you, you almost killed me. Besides I'm showering first, you take an hour to shower." Shikamaru scoffed.

"Well by the time you lift your lazy ass I would've found the shower and be done already." Temari glared back.

"Good luck getting to it." Shikamaru smirked amused from the ground.

Temari jumped up from the bed and walked to the door while Shikamaru slowly stood up from the ground taking his sweet time to collect his clothes. Temari smirked in satisfaction as she neared a door which she believes may be the bathroom, but just as she reached the door her body froze and no matter how much she willed her body to move it simply stayed frozen.


"I'm going to kill you!" Temari exclaimed furiously.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru sighed as he passed Temari, closed the door and locked it.

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