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"You've got it all. You lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more. You can reclaim your crown. You're in control. Rid of the monsters inside your head. Put all your faults to bed. You can be king again" - King again, Lauren Aquilina


Temari felt peaceful. She felt at ease in this blood stained morning. The sun's first ray of light just started to illuminate the room and she could already hear the start of destruction. The sound of fighting and death. Luckily because she fought all day yesterday, she only had to clock in at twelve o'clock. Shikamaru on the other hand had more of a flexible schedule, if you may.

Still Temari felt bound to the bed, like she'll never leave it, but eventually she knew she had to. Temari woke up a while ago and was now just lying in bed watching light stream in the room in Shikamaru's arms. She used his arm as her new pillow while her arm was draped over his stomach and his was over her waist.

Temari turned on her stomach and placed both of her hands under her chin on his chest while her leg went over his. She watched his peaceful face frown a little bit like something was puzzling him. Temari frowned as well, did she wake him on accident. Then suddenly both his arms slid around her waist as his one hand held onto his wrist and in one swift movement he pulled her on his stomach effortlessly.

Temari gasped in surprise, but chuckled softly as his frown vanished and a little smile appeared. No, she didn't wake him. She was still resting her chin on her hands as she watched Shikamaru. She found it strange how she felt so comfortable with someone she only met a few weeks ago.

Well technically she knew him for years, but she couldn't remember anything. She remembered them meeting and having encounters due to her job, but as far as she remembered they were only friends. But her heart was contradicting her mind.

She knew they were more than friends before her amnesia, but she couldn't remember. However she did feel it. Her heart always warmed up whenever Shikamaru entered the room and he was about the only person she would allow to hold her like this. She also noticed the little things he was used to.

She knew he was used to sleeping with her in the bed when she was in his village, he looked way to comfortable sleeping in the shame bed that she did than strangers or friends did. She also noticed the way he watched her when he thought she didn't notice. She saw the longing in his eyes.

She took one of her hands from under her chin and traced the bandage that was wrapped around his stab wound. She was careful not to lay or put too much pressure on his wound. It was still fresh after all. Temari placed her hand under her chin again and yawned.

She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes while listening to his steady heartbeat, it soothed her and helped her block out the sound of chaos and destruction that shrouded the world.

She fell asleep to the rhythmic beat of Shikamaru's heart. She found it funny how she felt safer than she ever did in the past 2 years whenever Shikamaru was around. Temari wouldn't have minded to wake up like this every morning, minus the war of course. She could've stayed like this forever, but like all good things... it had to come to an end.

"Temari." Shikamaru said softly as he stroked her hair with one hand while the other one was still on the small of her back.

Shikamaru knew she wasn't as a heavy sleeper as he was, so it really didn't take much for her to wake up, unlike him.

"Temari, are you awake?" Shikamaru asked studying her as he saw the corner of her mouth lift up into a smirk.

"What stupid question is that?" Temari replied opening her eyes to look at him.

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