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All around me are familiar faces. Worn out places, worn out faces. Bright and early for their daily races. Going nowhere, going nowhere" - Mad World, Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules
"What's your update Sakura?" Naruto asked as he entered his office followed by Shikamaru and Gaara.

Naruto knew she was already there. He could sense her chakra. She was talking to Ino at the bubble they used to monitor the war. Sakura looked stressed and lines of worry were edged on her forehead.

"There has...." Sakura started as she turned her attention to Naruto, but got interrupted.

"Tenten disappeared!" Lee yelled as he stormed into the office.

"Tenten?" Ino asked confused.

"Yes!" Lee exclaimed.

"As I was saying... There has been several reports of missing pregnant woman throughout the Leaf village who went missing, vanishing right before their eyes. Anko, Sasuke, Temari, Hinata and Tenten are among the missing." Sakura replied worried.

"Sasuke disappeared, when?" Naruto asked seriously.

"This morning, when he was walking me to the hospital." Sakura said blushing, looking away.

Naruto and Ino got dangerous glints in their eyes.

"Oh..." Naruto and Ino said in unison with amused voices.

"Hinata and I was walking home yesterday night and you know what we saw Ino?" Naruto said slyly.

"Oh no." Sakura groaned.

"No Naruto, what did you see?" Ino asked just as slyly as Naruto did.

"Well, we were walking home and we saw Sasuke staying the night at Sakura's house." Naruto smirked amused.

"It's not like that!" Sakura exclaimed waving her hands in front of her.

"Hinata, whom is pregnant with your child, has vanished and you're teasing Sakura." Shikamaru said bluntly.

"Thank you Shikamaru." Sakura said.

"Anyway getting serious again, why did Tenten disappear?" Ino asked.

"I have no idea... The pattern so far is only pregnant woman and people with cursed mark or people who had it." Shikamaru said confused.

"Could it be that she's pregnant like the rest? Because I know she doesn't or didn't have a curse mark." Sakura asked stressed.

"Not that I'm aware of." Lee answered.

"Is Anko pregnant too?!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed in shock.

"No you idiot! She has a curse mark!" Sakura yelled angrily as she whacked him over his head making the whole room flinch except Gaara and Ino.

"Have any of you realized that we've never seen her activating her curse mark before..." Shikamaru pointed out as his curiosity got the best of him.

"Yeah... Now that you mention it I've never seen it before..." Naruto said scratching head.

"Well that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that people are disappearing one by one... How long will it be before we go missing as well? What will happen to the village when our Hokage goes missing?" Sakura said crossing her arms.

The room grew quiet and the atmosphere turned solemn.

"What do we do Shikamaru?" Naruto said seriously.

"I don't know Naruto." Shikamaru answered.

They had no idea who was doing this. They didn't know why this was happening and they didn't know how to stop it. They couldn't do anything to stop the disappearances. Not without any information. Shikamaru found himself wondering every now and then where Temari was. Was she okay?

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