Prompt #65

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Prompt- Can you do a prompt of Changing Will where Ethan is at college party drunk and Will takes him home and helps him get sober

A.N.- Im sorry if this isn't what you had in mind! I'm also sorry because I don't know how to dedicate a story from mobile ;-; 


​"Ethan!" I called, looking around for him. I had lost him in the crowd of people. Goddamn midget boyfriend. I needed to get him a leash.

​"Asher," I said, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him to face me. "Hey, have you seen Ethan?"

​"Hell yea I have!" Asher said, laughing. "Little dude doesn't drink much, does he?"

​"You did not get my boyfriend drunk," I said.

​"I totally got your boyfriend drunk. Phoenix helped," Asher said. "Lighten up, it's a party!"

​"I've been trying to find him for an hour!" I said, glaring at Asher. "Goddammit, if he's an obnoxious drunk, you're dealing with him."

​I shoved by Asher, searching around for Phoenix. I spotted him and went over, relaxing a little as Ethan came into view.

​But then I scowled. I stormed over, snatching the red plastic cup out of Ethan's hands.

​"Hey!" he said, spinning around and staggering. "Oh, it's the moody asshole." He laughed at his own words, lightly hitting my shoulder. "Moody asshole!"

​"No more college parties for you," I said. "Phoenix! I'm going to kill you and Asher later. For now, I've got to sober the moron up."

​"I'm surprised he's still standing. He had a lot to drink," Phoenix said, laughing.

​"Great," I grumbled, dragging Ethan out of the party. I got him into my car and drove away. "Don't puke in my car."

​"You're so mean to me!" he said, and his words were slurred.

​"I am not," I said. "Now, shut up. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to let a midget with no alcohol tolerance drink."

​"See! You're mean!" he said, attempting to point at me but banging his hand against my shoulder instead. "I don't like when you call me a midget! It's not nice." He frowned. "It's not nice. I have feelings. I don't have height, but I have feelings."

​He actually looked a little sad, so I gently pushed his hand away. "Okay, I'm sorry, I won't call you a midget. Do you feel sick?"

​"I feel like I'm swimming," he said.

​"That makes no sense. Stop talking." I pulled into my driveway and helped Ethan out of the car. I led him inside and gave him some pills so he wouldn't wake up with a raging hangover in the morning.

​"I'm going to get you some water. You're lucky my family is out right now," I said, pushing him onto my bed. He hit it and bounced off onto the floor.

​"Not nice!" he said.

​"You keep saying that. It's not my fault you're stupid," I said, scowling and pulling him up. I carefully lowered him onto my bed. "Stay right there, okay? I'm getting you water. I'll be right back. Don't move!"

​I went upstairs and grabbed a few water bottles. I went back downstairs, where Ethan was lying on my bed, curled up.

​"I don't feel good," he moaned.

​"I'm surprised it took this long to hit you." I sat next to him, rubbing his back. Why did my friends think getting him wasted was a good idea?

​I helped him sit up, letting him slump against me. I opened a water bottle, holding it to his lips. He drank a little before pushing it away.

​"I'm going to puke," he announced.

​"Not on my bed," I groaned, dragging him off. I pulled him into the bathroom and he collapsed to his knees, emptying his stomach into the toilet. I rubbed his back until he had stopped.

​He laid on the floor, pressing his cheek to the cool tile. "Leave me alone. I wanna sleep," he mumbled, closing his eyes. He hiccupped and coughed.

​I pulled him up and grabbed an extra toothbrush we had. He whined as I brushed his teeth for him, wiping his face with a washcloth.

​"That is not the thing I want in my mouth!" he said, pushing my hands away.

​I lifted him into my arms, rolling my eyes. I laid him on my bed, pulling the covers over him.

​"You puked, you had some water, you had some pills...I can't really do much more for you. Sleep it off," I said, turning to leave my room.

​He grabbed my shirt clumsily, nearly falling out of my bed again. He hiccupped and tugged me back towards the bed.

​"Where are you going? Don't leave. I hate when you leave." His words were still slurred, but his eyes were a little more focused. "Sometimes I dream about the...what's the stuff from the sky? The rain! Yea, I dream about the rain. You're not there."

​I crawled into bed next to him, pulling him into my arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm right here. I'm sorry I left you. It was the worst mistake of my life," I mumbled, kissing his hair. "God, even when you're drunk you manage to turn me into a sap."

​"Sometimes you're nice. And you're warm," he mumbled, cuddling against me and falling into the deep sleep only a drunk teen managed.

​I stroked his hair lightly, holding him against me. "No more alcohol for you," I said with a sigh.

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