Prompt #6

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Prompt: Ethan and Will are in a coffee shop or something, or like maybe getting dinner together, then a waiter starts flirting with Ethan and Ethan flirts right back cuz that's just how he is or whatever, then Will gets jealous and he holds Ethan's hand or better yet, he kisses Ethan to get the waiter to back off.


                “I’m starving,” I said as I got into Will’s car.

                “Well that’s why we’re going to get dinner,” Will said as he took off towards the restaurant we were going to.

                “Hush up William,” I said.

                He rolled his eyes, but shut up. A few minutes later, he parked the car and we got out together and went into the restaurant.

                We were seated and picked up our menus. I scanned over it, looking for the cheapest thing since Will had insisted on paying.

                “If you order the cheapest thing on the menu, by the way, I will never have sex with you again,” Will said without looking up from his menu.

                “So I get expensive food and sex? I love dates with you,” I said.

                “You get whatever food you want,” Will said. “And if you behave, you might get a fun night.”

                “You treat me like a child! I always behave,” I said with a pout.

                He raised an eyebrow at me. “Yea, okay. Sure you do.”

                “Oh, whatever,” I said, turning my attention back to the menu.

                “Hi, I’m Ryan and I’ll be your waiter. Can I get you something to drink?”

                I looked up and my eyebrows shot up. Well, hello Ryan.

                The attractive guy in front of us had his eyes on Will. Will gave him a drink order and he turned to me, his lips tugging up into a flirty grin.

                “And what can I get for you?” he asked.

                “Root beer,” I said, eyeing him appreciatively.

                “I’ll be right back with that,” he said, eyeing me right back before leaving.

                “Ethan,” Will said with a scowl. “I saw that. Quit eyeing the waiter. You’re here with me, remember?”

                “Oh, calm yourself,” I said, waving my hand dismissively,

                Ryan came back and set our drinks down. “So, what can I get you to eat?” he asked, winking at me.

                “Besides you?” I asked, grinning.

                “Maybe when I get off of work,” he said, a grin appearing on his face as well.

                I opened my mouth to reply to that, but then felt Will grab my hand. I glanced over at him, and mentally sighed at the jealousy that was just barely contained in his expression.

                “Order your damn food,” he said impatiently, locking his fingers together with mine.

                “No need to be impatient,” Ryan said.

                Will shot him a glare before leaning over the table and kissing me roughly. He pulled away from my lips and nodded at the shocked Ryan.

                “My boyfriend and I are hungry. So do your job,” he said flatly.

                I sighed and gave my order. Will grumbled out his and Ryan hurried away from us. I squeezed Will’s hand when he didn’t look up at me.

                “Will, calm down,” I said.

                “You were flirting with him,” he said, still not looking at me.

                “I flirt with everyone. Jeez, do you think I’d really want to get with that guy? Yea, he’s attractive, but I have you,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Oh, I have a great idea! Let me give up my boyfriend whom I’m in love with for a possibly fun night with a random waiter! I think that’s my best idea yet, right?”

                He sighed, finally meeting my eyes. “You stupid flirt.”

                “I still flirt with Benji and I don’t want him anymore. I even flirt with Gideon and Sonnet. I’ve also flirted with Jude and Landon,” I pointed out. “And clearly I don’t want any of them. Ease up.” I offered him a smile and leaned over, kissing him. “You my main bitch, yo.”

                “Don’t ever say that again and I’ll forgive you,” he said.

                “Deal,” I said.

                Ryan came back a little while later with our food. He shot me a look, but I ignored him so that I wouldn’t make Will any angrier. He set our food down and left, and Will sighed.

                “See? Now you’re behaving,” he said.

                “I won’t be tonight,” I said and released his hand so I could eat.

                “You’re disgusting,” he said.

                I shrugged. “You still love me.”

                “For some reason,” he said, sighing.

                I glanced up at him and smiled. Him getting jealous was not only adorable, but it also showed that he cared about me. I returned my attention to my food, reaching over and holding his hand again. 

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