Prompt #16

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Prompt: How about Will and Sonnet get into a huge fight over something (you choose) but it's not like their usual teasing or whatever they do, but like an actual fight that has their parents and everyone else worried or whatever. 


                Grace winced as a door in the basement slammed loudly. She looked over at her husband nervously.

                “Leo, go tell Will not to slam his door like that,” she said.

                “You go tell him. He scares me when he’s angry,” Leo said with a sigh.

                But then they both stopped as they heard the sound of the door smacking against the wall. Screaming drifted up to them.

                “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!”

                “YOU ARE SUCH A FATASS BRAT!”

                “GET. OUT.”

                “OW! DON’T TOUCH ME!”

                “Oh my god,” Grace groaned. “We have to go break that up. I hate it when they fight.”

                “They sound angrier than usual,” Leo said anxiously.

                The doorbell rang at that moment and Grace rubbed her temples. She turned to Leo.

                “I’ll go answer the door. It’s probably Sonnet’s friends. Please go break them up,” she said. “Will usually listens to you better than he listens to me.”

                They went downstairs and Grace pulled the door open, letting Benji, Gideon, and Ethan into the house. Leo went downstairs, where Will and Sonnet were still screaming at each other.

                “Let me go!” Sonnet snapped. Will had her arm and was trying to drag her out of his bedroom.

                “Stay out of my damn room!” Will growled.

                “William! Sonnet! Stop it right now!” Leo said sternly, storming over to them. “William, you let your sister go!”

                But the two ignored him. Sonnet glared and swung her fist at Will, who released her and moved back, just barely managing to dodge her hit. Ethan, Benji, and Gideon had made their way downstairs by this point and were staring in surprise.

                “You fucking bitch,” Will snarled.

                “William!” his parents cried in horror.

                “You broke my damn phone! I have every right to hit you!” Sonnet said.

                “You broke my external hard drive!” Will said, shoving her roughly.

                Sonnet kicked him in the leg roughly and he winced. He gripped her arm again and she reached up, grabbing a fistful of his hair and yanking on it roughly.

                “Oh my god. Stop fighting!” Grace cried, hurrying over and trying to pry her children apart. Leo went over to help her.

                “I will kick you the way I kicked Jude Tibbits if you don’t let go of me!” Sonnet threatened.

                “I’ll beat the shit out of you if you do!” Will warned.

                Ethan, Benji, and Gideon watched in complete shock. They had seen the Duvet siblings fight before, sure, but it was usually light fighting. Just sibling banter and teasing. Never anything this angry and rough. It was almost scary to watch.

                Sonnet moved to kick her brother in a very uncomfortable place, but Leo managed to yank her away in time. Her leg collided with Will’s leg instead.

                “Sonnet!” Leo cried in panic, wincing as her foot made contact with Will’s leg. Jesus, the boy would’ve never been able to reproduce if that kick had made contact. “Don’t kick him like that!”

                “You bitch!” Will said, rubbing his leg. “I hate you!”

                “I hate you too, you stupid fatass!” Sonnet spat.

                “Go die you damn brat!” Will shot, looking furious.

                “BOTH OF YOU STOP!” Grace shouted.

                They finally looked at their mother, and she crossed her arms. “What the hell are you fighting about?” she demanded.

                “Sonnet broke my external hard drive, which had all of my latest footage on it!” Will said, glaring at Sonnet in hate.

                “So Will here decided to break my cell phone,” Sonnet said, holding up her severely cracked cell phone. “Which had all of my pictures and videos on it, not to mention I paid for it myself and it cost me a lot of money.”

                “I can’t believe you two are being so horrible to each other over that. And especially in front of your friends!” Grace gestured at the 3 boys who were shocked into silence, even Ethan. He desperately wanted to say something sarcastic, but he didn’t want to bring on the fury of the Duvet siblings, so he kept his mouth shut.

                Leo slowly released Sonnet. “Sonnet, you can buy your brother a new external hard drive. And Will, you can buy your sister a new phone.”

                “That doesn’t get my film back on it!” Will said furiously.

                “Or my info back on it!” Sonnet snapped.

                “Well too bad. That’s as much of a compromise as you two are getting. And you’re both grounded for two weeks starting tomorrow,” Leo said sternly.

                “What the hell am I supposed to do with my life for the next two weeks?” Ethan grumbled to Benji.

                “Oh god. I guess you’re stuck with us,” Benji said with a sigh.

                “Don’t sound so enthused,” Ethan said before returning his attention to the family drama.

                “Now apologize to each other and then Will, stay in your room, and Sonnet stay in yours,” Grace said.

                Will slammed his bedroom door and the lock clicked. Sonnet glared at the door before spinning around and grabbing Benji’s arm, dragging him upstairs with her. Gideon and Ethan hurried after them.

                Grace sat down and shook her head, worried. The kids had never fought that badly before. She sighed, realizing that it would probably be a while before things went back to normal between them. 

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