Prompt #57

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Prompt: Will and Ethan are apart for 2 years after Will graduates college, and are reunited at last.

A.N.- Another thing I decided to write because of twitter, so, yea. I was feeling like writing Will and Ethan today lmao, here you go!


                “I can’t believe Will will be home in a few minutes!” Will’s mom, Grace, said in excitement.

                “Lucky us,” Sonnet said, rolling her eyes.

                “Be excited, Sonnet!” Will’s dad, Leo, said with a smile. “Your brother is coming home for the first time in two years!”

                Will had moved out to California and gotten a job. His crazy work schedule had prevented him from coming home for the past two years, even for holidays. His family had started flying out to him. They had offered to take me along, but I spent holidays with my family, and felt too guilty to leave them.

                I was sitting on the front porch with the rest of the family, waiting anxiously for Will. We had Skyped, texted, called each other, and basically kept in touch any way we could as often as we could. But it wasn’t the same as being able to see him in person.

                He had finally gotten time off for work in time to come back and watch Sonnet and I graduate from college. He had flown in, and was currently driving back to the house.

                I didn’t really know what to expect when I saw him. We’d both been busy and hadn’t Skyped in about two weeks. We hadn’t seen each other in person in two years.

                I missed the hell out of Will, but I did everything I possibly could to keep myself happy so that he didn’t worry about me. I had made some friends at college and was doing well for myself, which had eased Will’s mind a lot.

                Someone snapped in my face and I jumped a little. I looked up at Sonnet and raised an eyebrow.

                “Excuse you, it is rude to snap in peoples’ faces,” I said.

                “I was trying to talk to you and you were ignoring me,” she said.

                “Probably because I don’t care what you have to say. I haven’t had sex in two years and that’s about to change tonight,” I reminded.

                She rolled her eyes. “Pervert. You’re lucky mom and dad didn’t hear that,” she said.

                “They’ll hear it tonight anyways,” I said with a shrug.

                “If you keep me up to have sex with my brother, I’m going to kill you,” Sonnet groaned.

                “It’ll feel like an earthquake,” I assured.

                “I swear to god I’ll- Oh! Mom! Dad! Will’s here!” Sonnet called.

                My head whipped around and, sure enough, Will’s car was nearing the house. It slowed down and pulled into the driveway, the engine shutting off.

                My heart slammed against my chest wildly as I realized just how much I had missed Will. The horribly lonely nights, the crying, the desperately hoping he could get holidays off to come visit.

                I stood up, my eyes never leaving the car as the driver’s door opened. Will stepped out of the car, straightening up and turning towards us.

                My mind snapped off and my heart took control. My feet slapped against the pavement and then I was jumping at Will. He tried to catch me, but instead, I knocked him backwards with the force of my hug, and we fell onto the grass roughly.

                I buried my face against his neck. “Will,” I choked out.

                “Ethan,” he said, cupping my face in his hands and eyeing me like he had never seen me before. “Ethan.” And then he was kissing me, and it was messy and rough and loving and uncontained and I didn’t even care that his family was watching as we devoured each other’s faces. My arms were around him and his were around me and we were hugging so tight that it was hurting me and I just didn’t care because I was back in Will’s arms and I was kissing him for the first time in two years.

                After god only knows how long, we finally pulled away from each other. I looked at Will, trying to drink in his appearance. His hair was a little shorter than it used to be, but overall, he just looked like moody Will Duvet. His eyes betrayed him though. They were a sparkling green, brighter than I had ever seen them.

                “Get off of me,” he said with a scowl. “Be a normal person next time and just casually hug me.” He kissed me again and I crawled off of him, helping him up.

                He stopped and stared at me in total disbelief. Sonnet snickered as she watched us. I stared between her and Will in confusion.

                “What? Why is he staring at me?” I asked Sonnet.

                “He hasn’t seen you in two years Ethan,” she reminded.

                “Thanks Einstein,” I said.

                “Your height,” Grace said helpfully, smiling softly at the two of us.

                “Oh. Right,” I said.

                “You’re not a midget anymore,” Will managed. “What the hell? How tall are you?!”

                “5’8”,” I said. “I probably should’ve told you I grew 5” since you last saw me.’

                “Yea,” he said. “Yea, you probably should’ve mentioned that.”

                He stepped closer and eyed me, measuring my height compared to his with his hand. The look of disbelief wouldn’t leave his face.

                “My boyfriend isn’t a dwarf anymore,” he said. “What the freaking hell? How did you never think to tell me that you were getting taller? I can’t tell just from Skyping you!”

                I shrugged. “I barely noticed it. It just…happened.”

                He shook his head and went over, greeting his family. When he was done, he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, down to his old bedroom. He shut the door once we were inside and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

                “I missed you so much,” he whispered, burying his face against my hair. I breathed in his scent, hugging him back. “I’m not a sissy. I just missed the hell out of you, Ethan. I love you. I love you so damn much.”

                “Will,” I sad, forcing him away so I could kiss him. “I love you,” I mumbled against his lips. “Also, you smell like cheap apartment and peasant class plane seats.”

                “I change my mind, I never missed you and I should’ve had a fling in California,” he said, scowling. But then a small smile twitched onto his face and he pulled me back into his arms. “You and your stupid sarcasm.”

                We stood there for a while, holding each other and kissing each other. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face, and even Will was having trouble hiding his happiness. I snuggled against him, resting my head on his shoulder, never wanting to leave his arms again. 

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