Prompt #29

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Prompt: Ethan is really upset about something and he needs Will, but Will is bussy with school stuff or something and thinks what Ethan is upset about is so little that it shouldn't be a problem so he acts careless about it. But Ethan takes it very seriously and he has a breakdown in Will's bathroom or something, he is worrying about Will will (yes, inconvenient name Ethan is right) leave him, then has a panic attack. Then Will finds him and apologizes and they talk it out and cuddle.? Maybe :3


                I rang the doorbell and Sonnet opened the door. She cocked her head to the side curiously as I entered the house.

                “Are you okay, Ethan?” she asked.

                “No. I’m here to have steamy sex with your brother to make myself feel better,” I said.

                She rolled her eyes. “Well, he’s locked up in his bedroom. Not that that’s a surprise,” she said.

                “Awesome. I’ll make sure you can hear us,” I said before heading down to Will’s room. I opened his bedroom door, trying to calm myself. I needed Will right now. I really needed him.

                Will didn’t even bother to look up from the papers spread around him as I entered. I went over to him.

                “Hey. Sorry, I’m busy,” he mumbled, writing something on a worksheet. “A lot of homework from school.”

                “Can I talk to you?” I mumbled.

                He looked up. “What’s wrong?”

                I shifted uncomfortably. “My dad.”

                He got up and pulled me into his arms. “What happened?”

                “I just…I think he’s starting to be ashamed of me again. He wouldn’t look me in the eyes this morning before I left for school. He just kept staring at the newspaper,” I said.

                Will released me and sat back down on his bed. “Ethan, I think you’re overreacting,” he said, picking up his pencil and getting back to writing. “He was just reading the newspaper. Calm down.”

                “Will,” I said, suddenly self conscious. He was acting so careless about it.

                “You’re overreacting. Look, I’m really busy right now,” he said, not looking up.

                “Doing your homework harder than you do your boyfriend,” I said, playing it off.

                He rolled his eyes. “You can stay, but just be quiet until I’m done.”

                “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I said and hurried away from him and into the bathroom near his room. I shut the door and sank down on the floor, wrapping my arms around myself.

                Why wasn’t he taking this seriously? What if my dad hated me again?

                Stop it Ethan. Stop before you go spiraling into a panic attack.

                But I couldn’t stop.

                Did Will find me obnoxious and whiny? Was he going to break up with me?

                And so it started, the panic attack pumping through me as I fell over on the floor, my mind spinning with questions, and I couldn’t stop, couldn’t stop, because Will was going to leave me and my dad hated me and nothing was okay.

                The bathroom door flung open and Will hurried in. “Ethan!” he cried, dropping next to me and pulling me into his arms. “Sh, it’s okay,” he soothed, hugging me tightly. “It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe. Calm down.”

                He leaned forward, kissing me, and his lips were familiar and safe. I slowly came out of my panic attack as he continued to hold me.

                “I’m sorry. I was insensitive,” he mumbled once I had finished shaking.

                “I’m sorry I’m whiny,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.

                “You’re not whiny,” he said fiercely.

                I cuddled against him and he kissed me, stroking my hair. He gave me a small, reassuring smile.

                “Your dad loves you, Ethan. And so do I,” he said honestly.

                I rested my head on his chest. “I love you, Will. Even if you do your homework more than me.”

                He laughed, my head rocking with his chest. “Pain in the ass,” he said affectionately, kissing me again. 

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