Prompt #17

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Prompt: Could you please do one where Will is the one having a panic attack due to too much stress (or any reason you want) and Ethan enters and he just kissed Will and he stopped from the attack? I think that would be awesome.


                “Shit!” I cried as my papers spilled off my bed and fanned out on the floor.

                I bent down to pick them up and let out a frustrated cry as several more spilled over. I knelt down on the floor, trying to gather them in my arms and separate them.

                My finals started in two days, and I had been studying day and night for them. We also had to film the final episode for our TV show on campus, and I had a final film project due. Not to mention a 15 page paper due in two days that I had only written the thesis for. And another 6 page paper that I hadn’t even started.

                I had so much to catch up on from skipping so many classes earlier in the semester. At the time it had seemed like I was solving my problems, but now I was realizing that I had just screwed myself over.

                I hadn’t slept in almost three days, and was running purely on caffeine and anxiety. And to top everything off, Ethan knew my finals were coming up, so he had been leaving me alone so I could focus on studying. But all I wanted was just a half hour with him to relax for a little.

                I looked at the abundance of papers and notebooks spread out around me. Scripts, rough drafts, attempted thesis statements, storyboards, notes, practices questions.

                There was no way I was going to pass all of my finals. There was just no way in hell I could get all of this done in two days.

                My heart was starting to race and the room was suddenly uncomfortably hot. I sat back, panting, my breath catching in my throat.

                I gripped my hair tightly, pulling on it. My heart only seemed to beat faster and the room swirled a little. My breathing began to catch more and I started gasping.

                What the hell was happening to me? Was I having a stroke or something?

                I tried to call for my mom, but my voice seemed to have abandoned me. I fell over on the ground, wrapping my arms around myself as my body began to tremble violently. I squeezed my eyes shut, my breath coming in short bursts.

                What the hell was going on? Why was the temperate going crazy? Why was I going crazy?

                My eyes watered with tears and I tried to rock myself. My body was trembling badly and I struggled to keep my breath coming.

                I heard my bedroom door open, and just prayed it was my mom or dad. Maybe they could take me to a hospital. I wasn’t okay. Something was happening to me and I felt like I was going crazy.

                I began to gasp even harder for breath at the thought of that. I was really going crazy. Something was happening to me.


                I cracked my eyes open at Ethan’s concerned voice. He knelt next to me and I blindly grabbed at his shirt, trying to pull him closer.

                He managed to pull me up against himself, his arms around me securely. I gripped fistfuls of his shirt.

                He bent down, his lips pressing to mine. I closed my eyes, focusing on the kiss, feeling my body regulate itself slowly. My trembling eased, and the room cooled down. My breathing slowly came back to me, and I pulled away from Ethan’s lips to take a deep breath.

                “Better?” he asked.

                “What the hell,” I choked out.

                “You were having a panic attack,” Ethan said. “Terrifying panic attacks are my thing. Get your own thing, copycat.”

                “How are you so sarcastic after those? They’re terrifying. I thought I was having a stroke,” I whispered.

                Ethan kissed me again. “I know, trust me. I had my first panic attack when I was 10 years old. My mom thought I was dying.” He offered me a comforting smile. “You need to sleep. You look exhausted. I know your finals are coming up, but I don’t care. You’re going to sleep.”

                He forced me up and over to my bed. I curled against him, holding him against myself, just wanting to feel his body pressed against my own.

                “Thank you,” I said, closing my eyes and letting my head rest on his shoulder. Thank god for Ethan pulling me out of that. I shuddered a little, feeling horribly bad that Ethan had suffered those attacks so often. I never wanted to go through that again. 

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