Prompt #13

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Prompt: Ethan is Sad and Depress and Will try to cheer him up.


                I rang the doorbell and Mary opened the door. I could tell by her expression that something was wrong, though.

                “What’s wrong? What happened? Is Ethan okay?” I asked.

                She shook her head. “My husband and I don’t know what’s wrong with Ethan. He’s been really depressed for the past week, Will,” she said, letting me into the house. “Maybe you can cheer him up.” She looked at me hopefully.

                “I’ll try,” I said, suddenly feeling bad. I had been busy with work the past week, so I hadn’t even texted Ethan or anything.

                I went down the hallway and into Ethan’s bedroom. He was sitting in the corner, Nothing To Lose by Billy Talent playing out of his speakers. He was hugging his knees to his chest, his forehead resting on them.

                He slowly picked his head up. “Oh, hi Will,” he mumbled.

                I stared at him. “Ethan, what’s wrong?” I asked in worry.

                “Nothing,” he said, forcing a smile.

                I shut his door and went over to him. “Seriously, what’s wrong?” I asked.

                “Nothing,” he mumbled, the smile slipping off of his face.

                I bent down and forced Ethan to stand up. “Did I do something?” I asked. “I’m sorry I haven’t gotten in touch with you lately. I’ve been so busy.”

                “It’s fine, Will. I know you’re busy,” he said, resting his head on my chest and putting his arms around me. I held him to me tightly, wishing I knew why he was so upset so I could cheer him up.

                But then I realized what was wrong. Benji and Gideon had been away on a camping trip with their families. Sonnet had been going into work to help my mom. And I had been busy with my own job.

                Ethan had been completely alone again. We were his only friends, and none of us had been here for him. Benji and Gideon didn’t have phone service where they were, and Sonnet and I hadn’t even thought to text the poor guy. He was probably reliving the nightmare he had endured for 17 years. Thoughts of us never talking to him again had probably slipped into his mind.

                “Hey, since I’ve been busy all week, why don’t we just spend the whole day together? If you’re okay with that,” I said, kissing him. “I’ve missed you.”

                “Don’t turn into a clingy boyfriend,” he said, but his grip on me tightened a little, confirming my thoughts.

                I desperately tried to think of ways to cheer Ethan up. Having sex was definitely out, partly because his parents were home and partly because I wanted him to know that I had missed him, not his body.

                An idea hit me and I smiled down at Ethan. He looked so sad and lonely. I just wanted to hold him forever and promise him that he wasn’t going to be alone ever again.

                I tilted his head up and kissed him. “Can I take you somewhere to surprise you?”

                He shrugged. “As long as this surprise doesn’t involve chains and blindfolds,” he said.

                “Damn, there go my plans,” I said. “But seriously, I want to take you somewhere and surprise you.”

                “And I want to throw you on my bed and surprise you,” he said.

                I raised an eyebrow. “I think we’ve established that it doesn’t work that way.”

                “Denying your boyfriend his dirty fantasies of domination,” he said.

                “Let’s go,” I said, taking his hand in mine.

                “Oh goody, a surprise,” he said, and I was surprised at how viciously sarcastic he sounded. But then I reminded myself that sarcasm was his only defense, and he had felt threatened by our lack of presence this past week. He was like a cornered animal, lashing out any way it could.

                “Come on,” I said quietly, hating to see him like this.

                I led him out to my car and pulled out of the driveway. “So what have you been up to all week?” I asked.

                “I haven’t cut myself,” he said flatly, and I was disgusted at the relief that brought me. Ethan was stronger than that.

                “I didn’t mean it like that,” I said.

                “Yea, okay,” he said, the fight leaving him again. He just stared blankly out of the window.

                “Close your eyes,” I said as I got closer to where I was taking him. “And don’t peek. Please.”

                He nodded and closed his eyes tightly. I pulled into the parking lot and opened my door. I glanced at Ethan.

                “Keep your eyes closed until I say so,” I said sternly. He just nodded again.

                I got out and went over to his side, opening the door and leading him out of the car. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through, clicking on a song.

                “Merrily we fall out of line, out of line. I’d fall anywhere with you, I’m by your side,” the music sang.

                Ethan opened his eyes, looking from the park back to me. “You’ve exhausted this date,” he said.

                I pulled him close, kissing him. “I have a feeling you won’t mind a repeat,” I said.

                He smiled at me, an honest smile that had my own lips curving up. Ethan’s eyes lit up with honest joy and love.

                “Thank you,” he whispered, hugging me tightly and kissing me.

                “Anything to see you happy,” he said, putting my arms around him and holding him, glad to see the smile back on his face and promising myself that I would do anything to keep it there. 

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