Prompt #23

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Prompt: Can you do a prompt where Ethan makes a friend at school who isn't one of the gang?? Just someone new and only his to hang out with.

A.N.- I may or may not still be bitter over SNK, so...VIVA LA GUNTER. 


                “Alone in lunch,” I grumbled. Sonnet, Benji, and Gideon all had this genius idea to make up a gym class together during lunch, which left me completely alone for the period.

                I sat at our usual table, making sure that Jude wasn’t coming over to kill me while they were gone. But the sexy villain stayed at his table talking to Nate, Landon, and the rest of his friends.


                I looked up at the sound of an excited voice. A cute boy stood over me. He had brown hair, nice muscles, and glasses that toned down his look from “asshole jock” to “adorable guard dog”.

                “Hello,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

                “Sorry, I don’t mean to be a total creep but…are you wearing a Billy Talent shirt?” he asked in excitement.

                I looked down at my shirt before looking back up at the boy. “Well, that would certainly explain why is says Billy Talent on it,” I said.

                He seemed unfazed by my sarcasm though. “I love Billy Talent. The Dead Can’t Testify is my favorite song,” he said. He glanced at the empty table. “Why are you sitting by yourself?”

                “Because my friends like to abandon me,” I said.

                “Mind if I sit here, then? This isn’t my actual lunch period. I’m just avoiding class,” he said with a wink.

                “Take a seat,” I said, gesturing at the chairs.

                He sat down. “So what’s your name?”

                “Ethan,” I said.

                “Do you have a last name, Ethan?” he asked.

                “That’s debatable,” I said, and told him my last name.

                “You’re right, that is debatable,” he said in confusion.

                “My mom told me not to talk to strangers, so cough up your name,” I said.

                “Oh, right, sorry! I’m Günter,” he said with a smile.

                “Günter,” I said, nodding slowly. “Nice. Very nice.”

                “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before,” he said curiously. “What grade are you in?”

                “I’m a senior,” I said.

                “Oh! I’m a junior,” he said, smiling. “I hope you’re not one of those ‘mightier than thou’ seniors who’s too good to hang out with the younger guys.”

                “No, I’m not one of those guys. I mean, I am mightier than thou, but not about age,” I said. “My boyfriend is 2 years older than me.”

                “Maybe I know him,” he said curiously. “What’s his name?”

                “Will Duvet,” I said.

                “Is he related to Sonnet Duvet? She’s beautiful. I had the biggest crush on her my freshman year,” he said, laughing.

                “It’s Sonnet’s brother. Sonnet is terrifying,” I said.

                “I know. I play hockey and I like to think I’m a pretty tough guy, but she scares even me,” he said, laughing again.

                “So Günter, what other music do you listen to?” I asked since I was new at this whole socializing thing.   

                Günter smiled. “I love Billy Talent, Simple Plan, Hurts, Fall Out Boy, and I have a guilty pleasure for Cobra Starship.”

                I nodded in approval. “Very good man. You are a very, very good man. Especially the guilty pleasure thing.”

                “Hey, you know, Billy Talent is playing about 2 hours away from here next weekend. None of my friends will go with me because it’s not their style of music, but if you would be interested…” He shrugged.

                “Are you using me to have someone to go to a concert with? Because I totally accept,” I said, grinning. “That is the best way to be used.”

                “Well if you’re going to be in my car for 2 hours, I better get to know you a little to make sure you won’t murder me and sell my body in the black market,” he said. “So, do you want to hang out after school?”

                “I do,” I said, since Günter seemed like a really cool person anyways. Benji, Gideon, Sonnet, and Will were all fun to hang out with, but maybe I needed other friends too.

                “Cool, here…” He scribbled down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. “Text me after school and I’ll drive us to my place. We can listen to music and play some video games.”

                “I can live with that,” I said, entering the number into my phone. Hooray, now I had a contact other than my 4 friends and my parents. I’m just so popular.

                “Great! I’m so excited about this. You seem like a really awesome guy. I like your sass,” he said and let out that laughter again.

                “I’ve got plenty of sass,” I assured him.

                “I better go hide out before a security guard sees me. But I’ll see you afterschool Ethan!” he said, offering me a genuine smile.

                “See you, Günter,” I said, a real smile coming to my face as well. 

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