Prompt #53

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Prompt: What would happen if Will walked in on his daughter about to have sex?

A.N.- Alighttttt, basically I was sick of writing papers and needed a break so I wrote this quick, inspired by a Twitter convo and based on the recent prompts of Will and Ethan with kids (I literally love doing these, I love imagining them as parents ugh perfect). Also it's like 1.30 in the morning, so don't judge. Enjoyyy


                “Hey Will,” I said, glancing over as he came in.

                “Hey,” he said, tossing his jacket on the chair. He gave over and kissed me, slow and living.

                “Alright, alright. Protect the eyes of the innocent,” Newt said from the kitchen table. He was working on his homework while I was making dinner.

                “Where’s Cecilia?” Will asked.

                “She’s upstairs with Aaron,” I said with a shrug.

                Will stared at me like I was crazy. “Alone?!”

                “Yes, William. She’s almost 18. She can be alone with her boyfriend. We gave her the talks,” I said with a shrug, resisting the urge to mention my age when I lost my virginity. Lord knows I don’t want my kids fucking early, but it had to happen eventually.

                “I’m going to check on her,” Will said, moving towards the hallway.

                I grabbed his arm, dragging him back. “She’ll give you a good kick between the legs.”

                “She really will. Aunt Sonnet trained her well,” Newt said, making a face, having been the victim of his sister’s fury before. Poor kid.

                Will pointed a threatening finger at him. “We don’t talk about that, Newton!”

                Newt shook his head. “Hey, that’s your fault. You and dad used to dump us on Aunt Sonnet and her kids. She trained Cecilia.”

                I ruffled Newt’s hair. “Don’t worry about it, kid. I had to marry into being related to Sonnet. Imagine my misery,” I said.

                “You guys are trying to distract me!” Will said with a scowl. “I’m going to check on Cecilia!”

                “William, she’s going to get mad at you,” I reminded patiently.

                “I’m just going to go say hi to my daughter because I’ve been away at work all day,” he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him.

                “Why am I being dragged? Take the kid as a shield!” I cried.

                “Good luck!” Newt called as I was pulled out of the room.

                “Traitor!” I called, hoping those wouldn’t be my last words.

                “I’m bringing you with me in case something goes wrong,” Will said.

                “Will, don’t you trust her? You’re the one who told me I should trust Cecilia more with her boyfriend!” I said.

                “I didn’t actually mean it!” he said, pulling me up the stairs and over to Cecilia’s room.

                Without bothering to knock, Will threw her bedroom door open. I groaned out loud at the sight that met us, Will’s grip on my hand tightening to an uncomfortable death grip.

                Cecilia stared at us in terror. She and Aaron had been in an intense make out session. Aaron’s shirt was on the floor, and he was either very excited to see us, or was just a horny boy. Cecilia was in her bra, and Aaron had been unzipping her jeans.

                “Put your clothes on,” Will said calmly.

                Aaron scrambled off of her and they hurried to pull their clothes on. Will released my hand and went over, gripping Aaron’s shirt.

                “Get out. I will castrate you if you ever fuck my daughter,” he snarled, pure fury in his eyes. “If you so much as breathe in her direction, I will castrate you. Get. Out.”

                Aaron hurried out of the house, looking scarred for life. Will spun to face Cecilia, who shrank down.

                “Dad,” she said cautiously. “Dad, I swear we’ve never done anything like that before! I swear!”

                Will turned to me. “Ethan, go finish dinner.”

                “I want to be here to make sure you don’t kill the kid. If you get arrested, I have to raise Newt on my own,” I said.

                “Ethan Alexander Duvet, go finish dinner and keep Newt downstairs. I have to have a talk with our daughter,” he said, his expression darkening.

                “Dad, don’t leave me,” Cecilia begged, her eyes on me.

                “Ethan, we will both talk to her later. For now, I need to talk to her alone. Get out,” Will said, pushing me towards the door.

                I sighed. “Ease up a little, Will. We’ll both talk to her after dinner, so don’t kill her yet.”

                I left the room, hoping he would kill her on her bed so we could get rid of the body and burn the sheets to get rid of the evidence. I went downstairs and Newt looked up.

                “I heard Aaron running out. I always wondered what it would be like to be an only child,” he said.

                “Your dad is not happy. You’re about to find out,” I said, flicking him in the ear. “Get back to work. And don’t have sex or we’ll kill you.”

                “Got it,” he said, flashing me thumbs up.

                I went over, chopping up food again. I mentally sighed, knowing I’d be angry and concerned later, but more worried about Will. A small smile hit my face, because he was a good dad, and he was adorably and terrifyingly overprotective. 

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