Prompt #18

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Prompt: Will invites Ethan over to a cookout his family is having. Ethan gets there and sees a good looking food dish and tries some. Right as he puts it in his mouth Benji, Sonnet, Gideon, and Will scream his name. He has a allergic reaction. After being rushed to the hospital he found out it was Kung Pao Chicken.


                “Hey,” Will said as I answered the phone.

                “Good afternoon William,” I said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

                “We’re having a cookout. My dad just put food on the grill, and my neighbors are bringing food as well. Come over,” he said.

                “Right now?” I asked.

                “Yea. Everyone else is here,” he said. “I thought Sonnet had texted you about it and she thought I had texted you about it.”

                “Lovely sibling communication,” I said. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

                “Just come around back,” he said and hung up.

                I got up and got dressed. “Mom, dad, I’m going to Will’s house for a cookout,” I said as I passed by the living room.

                “Alright Ethan, have fun,” mom said with a smile.

                “No, I’m going to have a miserable time because Will is a moody jerk,” I said and went downstairs, leaving the house.

                I made my way to Will’s house and walked around back, where I could smell all sorts of delicious food. I spotted Will and went over to him.

                “Hi,” he said as I reached him. He kissed me before turning back to Benji, continuing whatever conversation that had been having together.

                “Hi Ethan!” Gideon said as he and Sonnet came over with sodas in their hands.

                “Hi Gideon. Nice of you to greet me. Your boyfriend ignored my existence again,” I said.

                “Sorry Ethan,” Benji said with a sigh. “I was talking to Will.”

                “I see that,” I said. “Since you’re trying to steal my boyfriend from me, I think I’ll steal Gideon from you.”

                “No thanks,” Gideon said, moving over to Benji and putting an arm around his waist.

                My stomach growled and I sighed. “I’m starving. Can we eat already?”

                “Yea, come on, let’s go get food,” Will said, taking my hand in his and leading me over to a table with all sorts of food on it.

                All of us packed our plates with food. I talked to Benji about some crazy lady in our neighborhood as I put food on my plate, barely glancing at it as I did so, just grabbing anything that looked good.

                We went over to a table and sat down together, starting to eat. We all laughed and talked and joked around as we ate.

                I took a little forkful of something and put it in my mouth, chewing and swallowing. Will looked over, laughing at something Benji had said. His eyes widened as he noticed me going to take another forkful. Benji, Gideon, and Sonnet noticed his expression and follow his gaze, their eyes also going wife.

                “ETHAN!” they all cried as I took another bite.   

                I swallowed it down, staring at them in confusion. “Wha-”

                My voice was cut off and I dropped the fork, grabbing my throat as I suddenly found it hard to breathe. I could feel myself starting to swell and sweat erupted on my skin as I realized what was happening.

                “Will,” I wheezed, my air supply quickly cutting off.

                Will jumped up, nearly knocking the table over as he did so. “Dad!” he cried in panic. “Dad, get the car keys!”

                Mr. Duvet looked over at the sound of Will’s terrified voice. He noticed me as his eyes widened. He turned and sprinted into the house coming back out with car keys and running around to start the car.

                Will lifted me into his arms, hurrying around to the car with me and getting in. I gripped my throat as Mr. Duvet started driving like the devil was after him.

                I gripped Will’s shirt, terror shooting through me. I was wheezing roughly, and the lack of oxygen was making my vision spotty.

                “You’re going to be okay,” Will soothed, but his expression was terrified and anxious. He stroked my hair and kissed my temple. “Ethan, you’re going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.”

                He lifted me up again and got out of the car with me. There was barely any oxygen getting into my lungs at his point, and I just clung to Will as he ran with me, praying that his words were right.


                “Ethan, your friends are here,” mom said, brushing my hair out of my face as I laid in the hospital bed. “Do you want to see them?”

                I nodded weakly. Will had managed to get me to the hospital in time, and they had called my parents. I don’t know how long I had been here, but I just wanted to see Will.

                The door opened and my friends came in. Will hurried over to me, taking my hand in his and kissing me.

                “I’m so sorry,” he said, looking miserably. “I wasn’t paying attention to what you eating. Fuck, you could’ve died!”

                “I’m fine. What did I eat?” I asked.

                “One of our neighbors brought Kung Pao chicken,” Sonnet said.

                “Are you okay now Ethan?” Benji asked in concern.

                I nodded. “Yea, I’ll be home by tomorrow at the latest,” I said. “I’ve had closer calls. There was one time when I wasn’t even breathing by the time they got me to the hospital.”

                “I’m sorry,” Will whispered.

                I pulled him down, kissing him. “Will, it wasn’t your fault. You’re not my babysitter. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was eating. Besides, I’d be dead if you hadn’t gotten me here. So I will break up with you if you keep pissing and moaning about how this was your fault.”

                “I love you Ethan.” He kissed me, and it was rough and desperate. “From now on, you’re not allowed to eat anything until I approve it.”

                “Oh my god,” I groaned. “You’re worse than my mom.”

                I sighed and moved over so that he could sit next to me. He held my hand tightly and I smiled up at him softly. Yea, I had almost died. But I guess it was nice to see this side of Will.

                I put my head in his lap and he began to play with my hair. I closed my eyes, adding Kung Pao chicken to the list of foods to avoid and deciding that having a deathly allergic attack was not the best way to liven up a cookout. 

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