Prompt #24

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Prompt: Ok I have a prompt for you. Hopefully no one has ask this, but um Since Sonnet walked in on Will having sex with Ethan. Do you think you can make it to where Will walks in on Sonnet doing the same thing(Or about to)?

A.N.- Okay so I kind of kept the same idea of the prompt of Sonnet falling in love, and reused the character of Levi (yes, he was named after Captain Levi from SNK because Levi is perfect). So, yea :D


                “Levi,” Sonnet whispered.

                Levi kissed her, kissing down her jaw to her neck, finding her soft spot. He nibbled and sucked at it, wanting the world to know that Sonnet was his.

                She could feel a pressure against her thigh, through Levi’s boxers. Their clothes were in a heap on the floor, and there was nothing between them but their underwear and Sonnet’s bra.

                Levi pulled away from Sonnet’s neck and gasped as she touched him over his boxers. She smirked and kissed him again.

                “You’re such a tease.” He moaned against her mouth as she did it again, her hand running down his leg slow this time.

                “I wear the pants in this relationship,” she reminded.

                “I’d rather be wearing nothing,” he said.

                “Then let’s make that happen,” she said, her heart beating faster in anticipation as his hands slid down her back, unclasping her bra.

                Her bedroom door was flung open and she mentally cursed, realizing that they hadn’t locked the door. She looked up and didn’t know which was worse: that it wasn’t her abstinent insistent parents, or that it was her freaking brother.

                “Sonnet, do you have my-” Will froze, his eyes landing on the situation.

                Levi stared at Will with a terror that gave Will pleasure. He hastily redid the clasp on Sonnet’s bra and rolled off of her, pulling the covers up enough to hide his lower half.

                “What the hell was that,” Will snarled.

                “It was almost sex. You know, the thing you have with my friend,” Sonnet said, glaring at her brother. “Don’t act like some high and mighty virgin. Get out, Will.”

                He stared at her in disbelief. Then he turned a furious glare on Levi, who shrank back in terror. He was by no means a sissy, but Will Duvet scared the hell out of him.

                “William, leave him alone,” Sonnet snapped.

                “Get up. Put your shorts on,” Will said, stepping closer.

                Levi obeyed, jumping out of Sonnet’s bet, wincing, and pulling his shorts back on. Will grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room before Sonnet could say anything. He slammed Sonnet’s door and shoved Levi up against the wall.

                “That is my little sister,” Will said, his voice scarily calm. “And if you have sex with her, I will beat you within an inch of your damn life. Do you hear me?”

                “Loud and clear,” Levi choked out.

                “Enjoy your blue balls,” Will said with a charming smile. “Because I know where you live, and I’m not afraid to hunt you down if you try anything. I mean absolutely anything.”

                “I won’t,” Levi said, shrinking back against the wall.

                “Go in there, get your clothes, and get the hell out,” Will said. “And if I ever catch that again, I’ll kick you between the legs so damn hard your dick will come flying out of your mouth. If you’re afraid of Sonnet, you should be terrified of me.” he punched the wall next to Levi’s head and Levi whimpered. “Go,” he growled.

                Levi hurried past Will and into Sonnet’s room. He grabbed his shirt as Sonnet sat up.

                “What did Will do?” she demanded.

                “Nothing,” Levi said, his words choked. “Nothing. We had a lovely chat. We’re practically best friends now.”

                Sonnet jumped out of her bed and went over. Will was leaning against the wall across from her room. She went up to him, pulled her foot back, and brought it up between Will’s legs.

                Will let out a groan and fell to his knees, clutching himself in pain. Sonnet smirked triumphantly.

                “We were busy. Next time you threaten my boyfriend, I’ll do a lot worse than that,” she assured before going into her room and shutting the door. She locked it and shoved a chair up under the handle for extra caution.

                “Oh my god he’s going to kill me,” Levi moaned.

                “Toughen up,” Sonnet said, dragging him back to the bed. She kissed him, her hand sliding back down. “Now where were we?”

                Levi shuddered and sighed. “If I’m going to die, I guess I’ll go out like a true hero,” he said before bringing his lips back to Sonnet’s. 

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