Prompt #43

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Prompt: Can you do a prompt where some guy keeps hitting on Ethan and later tries to abdutc him but Will saves the day? I really want them to have a super hero/damsel-in-distress moment.


                I walked through the bookstore, my fingers brushing over the titles of books. I pulled one out and read the back of it, deciding that it sounded interesting and adding it to my pile of books to buy for today.

                Someone bumped into me and my books spilled from arms onto the floor. I sighed and looked over, raising an eyebrow at the cute guy standing near me.

                “Sorry about that,” he said, but he didn’t look sorry at all.

                “Yea, it’s fine,” I said, kneeling down and beginning to gather my books.

                The guy knelt down with me. “I’m Mason.”

                “I’m very happy for you,” I said.

                He handed me two of my books. “What’s your name?”

                “Ethan,” I said, standing up once I had collected all of my books.

                “Cute name for a cute guy,” he said, eyeing me appreciatively. “Want to come hang out?” There was clear flirt present.

                “Nah, I don’t think my boyfriend would like that very much,” I said, turning away from the guy and walking away.

                He followed after me, smirking. “He doesn’t have to know.”

                “I think he’d like to be informed of the creepy guy hitting on me,” I said. Normally, I’d flirt back with people. But this guy just gave off a super creepy vibe, and I wanted to be away from him.

                “Come on.”He grabbed my arm, nearly making me drop my books again. “You know you want it.” His lips stretched into a grin.

                “If by ‘it’ you mean some peace and quiet, then yes, yes I do want it,” I said, yanking my arm out of his grip.

                “I’ve never had the chance to scream out Ethan in bed. I would like it,” he said with a wink.

                “That was terrifyingly creepy, and a really bad pick up line,” I said. “And that’s coming from a guy who’s had sex with a guy that wears bacon boxers.”

                I turned away from him, ignoring him as he said my name. I paid for my books and went to the chairs set up for reading, deciding to wait the guy out before walking home. I didn’t need him following me back to my house.

                I found myself getting lost in my book. By the time I managed to rip my gaze away, two hours had passed.

                Deciding that it was safe by now, I stuffed my books into my cinch sac and left the store. I rounded the corner and wondered if I should text Will. Maybe I could hang out with him later on toda-

                “Hey!” I said as someone grabbed my arm and yanked me to the side.

                Mason grinned at me. “Come home with me Ethan,” he said, trying to pull me towards a car parked nearby. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

                “Let go of me!” I said, trying to yank my arm out of his grip. “God dammit! Someday I won’t be scrawny and weak and I’ll kick ass like a champ!”

                I struggled against him as he pulled me towards his car. I mentally groaned, because these were the kind of weirdoes my parents warned me about. Great, I was going to be abducted and finagled by a creepy man. Hm…what does finagled actually mean? Aw, who cares, it sounds unpleasant, and this situation was definitely unpleasant.

                “Let me go!” I said as we neared the car.             

                He grinned, his grip on my arm tightening, his free hand grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer. I tried to fight him off, but he was way stronger than me.


                The booming voice even made me wince. I looked over in relief as Will ran over. He didn’t slow his pace as he neared us.

                He tackled Mason to the ground, and I fell to the side with them, Mason releasing my arm. Will sat on top of him, gripping his shirt tightly.

                “Don’t you ever touch him,” he snarled.

                “Get off!” Mason snapped.

                “You wouldn’t get off of Ethan,” Will said, glaring. He brought his fist up and I winced again as he struck the guy in the face. Mason cried out in pain, slapping his hands over his violently bleeding nose.

                Will got up and hurried over to me. He pulled me to my feet and inspected me frantically.

                “Are you okay? Your mom said you were at the bookstore. I was coming to find you and then I saw that guy trying to take you…” He trailed off and hugged me tightly.

                “I’m fine, Will. You stopped him before he could finagle me,” I said, hugging him back.

                “That’s not what finagle means,” he said, but he sounded relieved that I was okay.

                He kept his arms around me protectively and turned to Mason. Mason was sitting up, blood seeping through his fingers.

                “If you ever touch him again, I will snap your neck,” Will said flatly.

                He pulled me away from Mason. Once we were a safe distance away, I pulled him so that he stopped, and spun him around. I kissed him, rough and loving. He put his arms back around me, kissing me back.

                “My superhero,” I said playfully.

                “Shut up,” he said, but smiled and kissed me again. 

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