Prompt #32

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Prompt: Ok, well, I saw Ethan's twelfth birthday, and burst into tears... So, how about for his... (I forget how old he is I'm sorry) I'm going to guess 19th birthday, all his friends (including Gunther ;3) come over to celebrate and Ethan is happier than he's been in a long time. Maybe Rio can come over too...


                “Ethan, this is so exciting!” mom gushed.

                “Mom, just because this is the first birthday I’ve ever had with friends, it doesn’t mean you need to scare them all away,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

                She came over and hugged me tightly, basically choking me. “Oh, god, I’m so happy for you and your friends Ethan. And now you’re turning into an adult. My little baby boy is turning into an adult!”

                “Mom,” I groaned.

                “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just so happy for you!” she squealed.

                “Okay, yea, thanks,” I said, squirming out of her arms.

                Today was my 19th birthday, so all of my friends were coming over to celebrate. And by all of my friends, I mean all five of them. Holla at the popular kids over here.

                I was a little nervous, since I always tended to hate my birthday. But my mom had gone all out, making a really nice cake and buying an obnoxious amount of chips and soda, even though I could count all of my friends on one hand.

                The doorbell rang and I got up, shooting my mom a warning look. If she scared my friends away, I was going to disown her as my mother, kidnap Will, and move to Canada.

                I pulled the front door open and Will offered me a smile. He leaned over, kissing me on the lips.

                “Happy birthday,” he said.

                “Happy birthday. Another year of sarcasm,” Sonnet said, peeking out from behind her brother.

                “I tried to push her out of the car, but she clung on,” Will said, stepping into the house.

                “I was Ethan’s friend first,” Sonnet said, patting me on the shoulder. “He’s happier to see me than you.”

                “You are not an attractive homosexual male, so that could be debatable,” I said. I shrank back in terror as she glared at me. “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY DON’T KILL ME.”

                “I’ll save it for tomorrow,” she said.

                The doorbell rang and I hurried past her to pull it open. Günter smiled at me cheerfully.

                “Happy birthday Ethan!” he said.

                “Thanks. Come on in and watch out for Will,” I said as Will eyed him suspiciously.

                I watched as Benji pulled into my driveway, him and Gideon getting out of the car together. They came up to me and Benji smiled.

                “Happy birthday!” he said.

                “You live the closest to me and you’re the latest,” I said.

                “Hey, at least I showed,” he said with a pout, thrusting a card into my hands.

                I let them in and led everyone up to the dining room, where my mom had set the cake. She eyed all of them as she put the candles in the cake. My dad entered the room and smiled as he greeted everyone.

                “We can’t do the cake yet!” mom said.

                “Why not?” I asked in confusion.

                The doorbell rang again and mom smiled. “That’s why!”

                She hurried past me to answer it. I shrugged helplessly at my friends, since I didn’t actually know anyone else.

                But then my mom came up the stairs with the Hispanic Stevie Wonder trailing after her. My cousin, Rio, grinned and gave a small wave.

                “Hola,” he said. “Happy birthday.”

                “Now I have a total of six friends,” I said. “I am hot shit.”

                “Ethan!” Mom rolled her eyes and lit the candles for me. Everyone crowded around the table and began to sing to me.

                “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!”

                My eyes widened as I looked around at their smiling faces. Even Will was smiling as he sang to me.

                This was exactly what I had longed for all the other years. A table filled with friends, smiling and singing and cheering for me.

                They finished the song and I leaned forward. They clapped and cheered as I blew out the candles, for once making a wish other than for friends.

                I wish I can stay friends with them for the rest of my life. Please.

                I looked up at them as mom handed me the knife to cut into the cake. I smiled weakly at them, happier than I had ever been in my entire life as I cut into the cake, making slices for all of them instead of just for me and my parents.

                I passed the cake around to everyone and we sat down to eat it. I opened gifts from my friends, the first time I had ever gotten anything from people other than my family. We laughed and talked and Will and Rio teamed up to smother cake in my face, earning wild laughter from me.

                “You look happy,” Will said as we sat together.

                I smiled at him, my face beaming. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had, Will.”

                He hugged me and kissed me, smiling. “Good. I’m glad.”

                “Hey, birthday boy!” Günter said.

                I looked up and yelped as he, Benji, Sonnet, and Gideon all threw cake at my face. I laughed as it hit me, getting on my face and clothes and in my hair.

                “Happy birthday,” Benji said to me happily as he handed me a napkin.

                I smiled widely at him, because all of this was thanks to him. He had been my first ever friend, and introduced me to everyone else.

                “Thank you Benji,” I said gratefully, and couldn’t help but hug him.

                “I hope your birthday is amazing,” he said, hugging me back.

                “It’s been the best birthday ever. It’s everything I ever wanted,” I whispered, my smile growing as I looked all of my friends, finally happy. 

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