Prompt #55

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Prompt: Hi! Can you do a prompt of on twitter when Ethan said he got thrown in the trash? and maybe Wills reaction to hearing about it that day? Thanks!

A.N.- Basically, Ethan being a victim of freshman Friday and Will being a prick of a teenager. Enjoy!


                I shook my leg impatiently. I was sitting in the middle of the classroom, surrounded on all sides by eagerly talking students. My eyes were locked on the clock, watching as time crawled by painfully slow.

                The bell finally rang and I got up, grabbing my backpack. I wasn’t even surprised when it was smacked out of my hand, sliding along on the floor, only to be kicked off to the side, snickers coming from kids as they watched.

                “I’m glad we’re all mature here,” I said with a sigh, going over and grabbing my backpack off of the ground. My teacher was pretending not to notice what was happening as I slung it over my shoulder, lazily watching the kids who had hit and kicked it leave the room, still snickering.

                I left the classroom and slowly made my way to the cafeteria. I bought a lunch tray and went out to the hallway, sliding down and resting with my back against the wall, nibbling on a disgusting piece of pizza.

                My eyes followed the groups of kids as they walked, talking and laughing. I put in my earphones, blasting Nothing To Lose by Billy Talent, same as I did every day.

                “My parents had no clue that I ate all my lunches alone in the bathroom,” the music sang in my ear. I sighed and grabbed a book out of my bag, flipping it open to where I had left off and beginning to read.

                I jumped as an earphone was ripped out of my ear. I looked up wearily at the older boys looming over me.

                “Aw Ethan, why aren’t you eating with your friends?” Dan, the super senior ring leader of the group, taunted.

                “Probably because I don’t have any. People like you don’t exactly give me faith in humanity,” I said.

                Dan bent down, gripping my arm and violently yanking me to my feet. “Are you insulting me?”

                “Oh, good, at least one brain cell of yours functions,” I said in relief.

                “I think someone needs to put you and your smartass mouth in your place,” he growled, and lifted me up. His arms were around my stomach, pulling me off of my feet. I struggled against him as he started moving towards the trashcan. People were watching now, some laughing.

                “I’m glad you’re practicing for your future career of being a janitor, but this is rude,” I said, trying to struggle free and fight off my panic.

                Dan ignored me. “FRESHMAN FRIDAY!” he yelled, and kids watching laughed and cheered.

                Dan swung me over and roughly dropped me into the trashcan. One of his friends tossed my abandoned lunch tray on my face as I tried to crawl out, knocking me back in.

                “Lovely,” I grumbled as I felt all the disgusting trash surrounding my body. “This is worse than that episode where Spongebob dumpster dove for his identity.”

                I got up and tried to get out of the trash, but was too short. Dan laughed and came over, crossing his arms with a smug smirk.

                “Need some help, dwarf?” he asked.

                “I probably need therapy and a growth spurt,” I said.

                He kicked the trashcan hard, and I yelped as it fell over, spilling me and the trash covering me onto the floor. I pushed myself up onto my knees, gathering my bag and stuff from the ground.

                “Going to go cry, little bitch baby?” Dan asked, his smirk growing.

                “I was actually going to wash off the milk on me. Someone didn’t recycle,” I said, gesturing to the various stains on my clothes.

                I calmly walked past them, dropping my head a little as the laughter seemed to grow. When I was safely out of sight, I took off sprinting, shoving open the backdoors of the school and running until I was out of breath and safely away from the school.

                I dropped down against a tree, hugging my knees to my chest, chasing my pant leg with my finger that concealed the various cuts I had disgustingly inflicted onto myself recently. My eyes watered and I wiped at them bitterly.

                “I guess high school isn’t going to be the time of my life. Mom lied,” I said with a sigh, leaning back and closing my eyes, letting a tear leak from the corner of my eye down my cheek.

                                                                                ***Will’s POV***

                The bell rang and I took my seat. I watched in boredom as Asher came in late with our friend Brandon.

                “You missed it, Will!” Asher said, sitting down next to me. Brandon sat down across from us, laughing.

                “What?” I asked.

                “Dan tossed some freshman into the trash last period,” Brandon said, laughing harder. “I made sure his lunch went in with him.”

                “Freshman Friday is actually a thing now?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

                “It was just some pathetic freshman,” Brandon said dismissively.

                “Sounds like it. I wish I could’ve seen that,” I said, smirking a little at the thought.

                “Maybe we can toss your sister and my brother in next Friday,” Asher said, grinning.

                “Gladly. I can’t believe I missed Dan actually throwing some stupid kid into the trash today!” I said with a sigh.

                “Next time,” Brandon assured.

                I nodded, hoping there was a next time. I’d love to see some loser freshman get tossed into the trash.

                “Brandon, Asher, William, do you have something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?” our teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

                I also raised an eyebrow, hating school in general. I couldn’t wait to be out of this hell hole. High school was a nightmare, and far from “the best four years of your life!” that people claimed it was. Our teacher turned and began her lesson, and I let out a sigh of despair, wishing I could graduate already, glad I had never been a bitch enough of a freshman to get tossed in the trash. Something told me that kid was the only person who could hate high school more than I did. 

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