Prompt #71

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Prompt: Could you please make a Changing Will's prompt when they are already with their kids, and one day Cecilia gets hurt while playing with her brother, then Will gets home and gets really mad, blames Ethan and shouts at him. But then he regrets it and tries to apologize... And they cuddle or whatever you want to add :3


The small terrors that Will and I called our children ran around me as I walked towards the back door. I opened the door and led the two of them outside, watching as they raced to the playset we had bought for them.

"Hey, be careful!" I said as they both tried to climb onto it at once. "You're going to get hurt! Gah. When did I become the responsible parent?"

Newt reached the top of the playset first, grabbing the ball he'd left up there when they had been playing earlier. Cecilia climbed on after him and the two began to play catch, laughing together.

I leaned against the side of the house as I watched them. Will was currently at work, probably dying of stress as he tried to pull together a new film.

I'd been keeping the kids active all day so they'd be tired and go to bed early tonight. Will needed to relax and as much as he loved the kids, I knew sometimes he got overwhelmed between them and work.

"I've seen better hands on a clock!" Newt said as Cecilia missed the ball. It bounced off the playset and rolled onto the ground.

Newt leaned over the side of the playset, trying to climb down. I groaned and hurried over, grabbing him before he could fall.

"Do not do that. You're going to get hurt. You're giving me gray hairs and I don't look good with gray hairs," I said sternly, placing him back on the playset and grabbing the ball for him.

"You don't look good with this hair either," he said, pointing at my hair.

"You won't look good sitting by the side of the road abandoned," I said. "Now shut it, kid. Play nice with your sister. She's older than you, she's well trained by Aunt Sonnet, and she's not afraid to put you in your place."

"Dad's right!" Cecilia said smugly.

"Dad's always right," I said.

"No you're not," Newt said.

"You are a rotten little brat and this conversation is over. Go be rude to Cecilia," I said, waving him away.

The two began to chase each other around the playset and I found myself circling it, grabbing them if they got too close to the edge or pulling them apart if they started to wrestle too roughly. God, kids were so much work.

"Hey, I have a call for work. Don't do anything stupid for a few minutes, please," I said, stepping away from them and answering my vibrating cell phone. "Ethan Duvet."

The person on the other end began to talk to me about an appointment. I glanced at the kids before hurrying into the house to check my work schedule. After I had set up the appointment, I wrote it down and hung up the phone.


The scream was from Newt, distressed. I groaned before running outside, seeing Cecilia crying on the ground.

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