Prompt #27

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Prompt: since you did one with sick Ethan, how about a sick Will? With Ethan as his personal nurse. c; I just want to see the caring side of Ethan. Please?

A.N.- This was prompted by ashton-fletcher who's account is no longer active, so if this is you go!


                Sonnet opened the front door and grinned. “Will’s sick. Like, dying sick.”

                “Sonnet, have some pity for him,” Leo said, rolling his eyes. “Hi Ethan. Thank you for coming to take care of Will for us.”

                “Thank you so much,” Grace said gratefully.

                “He took care of me when Sonnet almost killed me that one time,” I said.

                “Oh, get over it,” Sonnet said, rolling her eyes.

                “Call us if you need us,” Grace said, and I waved to them as they left.

                I went down to the basement and into Will’s bedroom. He was curled up on his bed, shivering and sweaty.

                “You’re like a living oxymoron,” I said.

                “I’m not in the mood,” he said, his voice a weak croak. “I really don’t feel good, Ethan. I’m not in the mood.”

                “Well I can see that you really don’t feel good,” I said, going over to him and feeling his forehead. He was burning up. “Are you dying?”

                “Yes,” he said.

                I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. He gave a hacking cough and moaned miserably.

                “Can you get me juice?” he whimpered.

                I nodded and went upstairs, pouring him orange juice. I came back downstairs and helped him sit up, handing him the juice.

                “If you die, I’m going to be pissed,” I said. “It’s not easy for a guy like me to get a hot boyfriend.”

                “Shut up,” he said, slumping back against his pillows and handing me the juice. I set it down on his nightstand and pushed his hair out of his face.

                “And we’re back to the messy, tangled hair,” I said with a sigh.

                “It’s not like I have a need to brush it. I’m dying,” he reminded. He rubbed his chest and let out more hacking coughs.

                I handed him back the juice and he drank a little. He curled up, putting his head in my lap. I rubbed his back, feeling bad for him. I hated being sick, and Will didn’t seem to handle illness well either.

                “Of course your family chooses the day you’re dying as the day they have to go to a party for friends,” I said.

                “They said their goodbyes,” he said. “You’ll be the last person to see me alive.”

                “In that case, you better brush your hair,” I said.

                He opened his mouth to have a witty retort, but rolled over and began to choke on his own bodily fluids again. I rubbed his back until his coughing fit was done. He put his head back in my lap, looking downright miserable.

                He whimpered and I began to rub his back and play with his hair. He gripped my leg tightly, his body trembling.

                “Do you need anything?” I asked.

                He shook his head. “No,” he whispered, closing his eyes.

                I thought hard, trying to think of anything I could do to make him feel even a little bit better. I continued to rub his back and play with his hair, looking around his bedroom.

                Oh, duh Ethan. You’re dating a freaking movie addict.

                “Do you want to watch a movie?” I offered.

                He opened his eyes and nodded weakly. “Yes.”

                “Let’s watch Star Wars. I haven’t seen it in years,” I said. He nodded again.

                I removed him from my lap and set the movie up. I went back over and Will got comfortable, his head back in my lap.

                “Thanks for taking care of me,” he said, his voice so weak and scratchy that it made me frown.

                I forced a smile. “Anytime. But I’d prefer it if you stayed healthy.” I bent down and kissed his cheek.

                After about an hour, I looked down and noticed that Will was asleep. I kept myself perfectly still, aside from my arms. I smiled down at him softly.

                “You sick pain in the ass,” I said quietly, hating to see him sick like this. 

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