Prompt #73

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                Prompt: So in one of the other prompts, you had this thing where Ethan and Jude were little kids and Jude saves Ethan from bullies, and Ethan asked Jude to be his friend (or something along those lines). My prompt idea is that Jude actually became friends with Ethan, and what would their relationship be like in the present time zone of Changing Will/Fixing The Scatter

                A.N.- So, essentially, this is an AU prompt of what would've happened if Ethan and Jude became friends. I just thought this would be interesting to give an attempt to for a prompt!


                "Ethan!" mom called. "Jude is out front."

                "Yea, thanks, I have eyes," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading towards the front door. "I'm going with them after school."

                I left the house before she could respond, hopping into the back of Jude's car. Nate looked over the passenger seat at me.

                "Hey, we're stopping for coffee. Jude had a late night," Nate said.

                "Oh, a late night with Gideon?" I said, snickering at the look Jude shot me.

                "Shut it, or you can walk to school," Jude said, backing out of my driveway.

                "You didn't deny it," I said, shrugging. "Anyways, Jude's sex life aside, what are we doing tonight? Told my mom I'd be with you guys."

                "We're going to Nate's house," Jude said.

                "God, does that mean we have to put up with Sonnet's brother?" I said in annoyance. "Your brother has shit taste in friends, Nate."

                "I don't control who Asher is friends with!" Nate said. "We'll go outside. They'll probably be locked up in Asher's room anyways. Besides, if Will fails anything else, the college will kick him out and then he won't hang around my place as much."

                Jude took us through a coffee shop drive through and then took off for the school. I watched the world pass by out of the window, sipping on my drink.

                We arrived at school and got out of the car. Nate and I flanked Jude and followed him inside, heading down to the senior hallway to find his boyfriend.

                I snickered a little at the sight of Gideon, standing with his best friends Benji and Sonnet. Sonnet shot us a dirty look as we approached. Still couldn't believe Nate had a crush on that bitch.

                "Gideon," Jude said with his sly smile. He greeted Gideon with a kiss. "Come to my locker with me. I need to talk to you."

                Gideon looked all too eager to follow Jude. He was attractive, that was sure, but he was such an airhead it made me wonder why Jude wasted the time with him. Still, Jude saw something in him, and he was adamant that we get rid of Gideon's friends before they screwed things up.

                So Jude led Gideon away, and Nate and I blocked off Benji and Sonnet. Once Jude and Gideon had disappeared from sight, Benji matched Sonnet's glare.

                "Out of our way," he said.

                I was the shortest one here, but Benji only had a few inches on me. I stepped up to him, getting in his face with a grin.

                "What, jealous you're not the one fucking Gideon?" I taunted.

                "I'm not sure how anyone could be intimidated by Jude's chihuahuah. Back up, asshole," Sonnet said, shoving me away from Benji.

                Nate stepped between us. "I don't know why you two haven't given up yet. You really think Gideon will ever take your word over Jude's?" He shook his head. "Let's go, Ethan. They're not worth the time."

                "Shove me again, and I'll break your fucking arms," I warned Sonnet before following Nate away. "Damn losers. I wish they'd give up already."

                "They will, don't worry. Jude's too smart for them," Nate said.

                I bumped into some kid carrying out supplies, and stepped away form him. "My bad."

                The kid winced and mumbled something, hurrying away from me with his head down. Nate grabbed my arm and pulled me towards Jude's locker.

                "Go find out if he's inviting Gideon to my house. If he is, and Sonnet's brother is there, he'll give us a hard time. I'm pretty sure Sonnet and Benji bitch to him about it all," Nate said. "I've got to go find Landon."

                "Oh, sure, leave me as the sacrifice!" I called after him.

                I made my way to Jude's locker. He was alone, which was at least a bit of a relief.

                "What do you want, E?" he asked as I came up to him.

                "Not me. Nate sent me as the sacrifice to ask you if Gideon is coming with us tonight," I said.

                "Of course he is," Jude said. "And Will Duvet can give me all the dirty looks he wants. What did those pussies say when Gideon and I left?"

                "Sonnet called me your Chihuahua and shoved me," I grumbled. "Rotten bitch."

                Jude grinned, that dark glint in his eyes. "What, and you're just going to take that?"

                I rubbed the back of my neck. My mom would be pissed if I got in trouble just to get back at Sonnet. But Jude wouldn't let anyone mess with him. Jude didn't stand by and let people like Sonnet shove him. He fought back. He always did. I steeled myself. Jude had kept me safe from the bigger kids that liked to prey on me growing up. It was time I took care of myself, and watched Jude's back while I was at it.

                "No way, dude. Lunch time I'll get her back," I said.

                Jude slapped me on the back. "That's what I like to hear."

                I grinned at him, pleased with myself. Jude wasn't easily impressed.

                "Quit grinning at me like that. Let's go find Nate and get to class," he said.

                I scurried after him. Jude had protected me all these years, and I just wanted to make him happy. If that meant abandoning the morals my mom wanted me to have, then that was just what I'd do.

                We found Nate and the three of us headed for class together. I might be small, but I felt powerful walking side by side with Jude, that confident arrogance driving him forward with every step, pulling Nate and I along with its force. Who knew the grumpy boy with the mean eyes all those years ago would turn out to be my best friend, and change my life in such a way. I grinned to myself, keeping my head high as I walked with my friends. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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