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I don't wast any time getting in my car and leaving. Daniel's a nice handsome guy, but he thinks everything has to go his way. It's his way or no way. But it wasn't always like that.. When we met at the club that night he was super sweet. I just didn't know what I was getting into. *flashback* I was sitting in a booth with Emily and Garcia at the bar when my eyes caught the attention of a tall, well built, brown hair man. He's got dark baby blue eyes with a small stubble along his chin and a little on his cheeks. His gray shirt is flattering to his fit body. "Go!" I hear Garcia say just before I pushed out of the booth "Hey!" I say as I stumble "Need some help?" I hear a deep voice say "Hi." I say "Hi." He says "Uh- I'm Daniel." He says as he puts his hand out "I'm Jennifer." I say putting out my hand and shaking his "And she's single!" I hear Garcia says "Garcia!" I say as I feel my cheeks turn red "Very single!" Emily say "Shut up!" I say as he laughs. Oh that laugh! "You wanna dance?" Daniel asked "Sure." I say smiling "Wanna little something to top it off?" He asked as he looked at our empty drinks "Sure!" Garcia says as we all laugh "Coming right up!" Daniel says "JJ you better not mess this one up! He's a good guy! He's buying us drinks!" Emily says as she slurs her words and Daniel smiles. I put up one finger and lean into the table so I'm face to face with Emily. "If you don't shut up you won't live to see it." I say "Damn drunk and cocky." Emily say and Daniel brings back the drinks "I'm serious JJ! You better keep him!" Emily says "Let's dance!" Daniel say as he gets my hand and pulls me to the dance floor "Well you sure don't like to be kept waiting." I say smiling "No I don't. It's torture to the mind." He says as we start to sway "That it is." I say. By the time the music ended we were grinding up on each other on the dance floor. "Let's go back to your place!" Daniel says as I smile and take one look at the girl talking to these two guys before slipping away with him. Once we get to my house we pins me against the wall and we start kissing. He backs me up to the bed and make me fall back so that he's on top of me. His hands make their way to mine and pin my arms above my head. "You're rough. I like it." I say kissing him and smiling. *end of flashback* I stop at a red light and that's when I realized I was crying. I'm five minuets from work and I didn't bring my make up bag. I guess I'm going all natural today, which all the bruises on my face are gone and the others are hidden by clothing, I'm alright. I get to the BAU and look in the mirror to see that I wore my water proof make up today. Luckily none of it smudged. I take one finale look in the mirror and then get out. I swipe my ID badge and walk into the building with a fake smile. "Agent Jareau." Some agents a few floors below us greets me "Hello." I say with a smile. I get in the elevator and hit the button for it to take me to the sixth floor. I look down at my shoes when I see a big bruise on my inner forearm. "Shit." I say as I look at it just starting to turn purple. Maybe it won't be noticeable. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the elevators door open. I keep my head down but slightly smile when I see his shoes. "Hey JJ!" I hear Reid say as I smile and look up "Hey!" I say "You ok?" Spence says as he gets on the elevator "Oh yeah just tired." I say "I was uh, actually talking about the big bruise on your arm." Spence says as I close my eyes and look down again "Uh I just had too much to drink the other night and fell." I say "What night was it?" Spence asked "Tuesday." I say fake smiling "Why?" "Because Tuesday you were with me." Spence says as I remember our cute little movie night "I meant Wednesday." I say "Wednesday we were with the team all day.." Spence says "I meant another day." I say "Please tell me." Spence says "Why do you care! Why do you want to know so bad?! It's nothing ok!" I say as I turn to look at him "If it's nothing stop dismissing it." Spence says "It is nothing and I'm not dismissing it." I say as the elevator dings and I start to get out. Spence pulls me back to him by putting his hands on my hips. "Ow!" I yell as he touches one of the many bruises "And it's nothing?!" Spence says "Who did this." "It's nothing!" I yell "Who did this to you!" Spence yells as he keeps his hands on my arms "Nobody!" I yell "Was it your fucking boyfriend!" Spence yells "How do you know about him?" I whisper "So it was!" Spence yells "Please don't do this." I whisper as I start tearing up "It's too late." Spence says "Somebody hurt you and they're going to pay for it."

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