Doctors Office

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*Next Week*


I asked Melinda for the week off after Spence and I fought. She said yes but I had to be back today, so I told her after the appointment I would be and she agreed. Spence, I'm assuming, left after the case was over. They got the bomber and I haven't heard anything since. I'm driving on my way to the doctors appointment, and of corse, all the memories start flooding into my head. When Spence and I kissed. When I met Melinda, Delia and Jim. When I found out I was pregnant. When I moved to Grandview. When I left Spence. I didn't want to relive all the memories so I turned on the radio, hopefully to drown out my thoughts. "You're in the arms of the angel, fly away from here. From this dark cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage, of your silent revery. You're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here." The song plays as I put one hand on my growing baby bump "You'll be my little angel. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." I say as I look down briefly before looking back at the road. A bunch of other songs played by the time I got to the doctors office, some of which I wasn't listing to because I was either worried about my baby or worried about.. Spence. I got out of the car and put my hands on my belly and looked down and smiled. "Alright angel, let's find out what you are."

Reid's POV

Today's the day JJ has to go to the doctor. She's finding out what we're- she's, having. I kinda hope it's a boy. I wanna be able to teach him stuff. But I can't. I think to myself as I remember the fight JJ and I had and how she probably doesn't want me to be around the child. I'm on my way into work now. I turn on the radio and instantly regret it. "Hearing your whispers threw the phone, wait for me to come home." The song plays "I am. I just wish it was easier." I say as I get out of my car, once I'm in the BAU parking lot. I hear my phone go off and I see a text from a blocked number. I was going to brush it off, but I started reading it. "Spence this is JJ. If you tell anyone where I am or try to track this phone so the team has my location I won't tell you what happened at the doctors office today." I read. I take a deep breath as I see she's typing another message. A picture of an ultrasound pops up. "You have a son."

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