No Control

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Reid's POV

Once we got cleared with Hotch and Blake, JJ and I headed out for some fun. Some of the team stayed at the local pd in case the unsub killed anymore and the rest of them with to different bars near us. JJ and I chose one that was kind of far away from the house and the team. We wanted to just get away.. You know, just me and her. Or I did anyway. I smile when I see JJ making her way to the bar to get us drinks. Some lady plops down beside me and smiles. "You look cold. Wanna use me as your blanket?" She says as I smile "No I'm sorry. I'm here with someone." I say "Try a good pick up line on her." She whispers in my ear as JJ walks back over to me with a big smile and drinks in her hand "Hey!" She says as she sits down "Hey beautiful." I say as I smile and she takes a shot and I laugh "I'm on my fourth so you better catch up!" JJ says smiling "Let's do it." I say as I take a shot. I screech my face when I taste it which makes JJ laugh. I don't know if it was because we were slowly getting drunk or because we were alone but in that moment when she was throwing back shots.. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life.


"Spence let's dance!!!" I yell as I take another shot and take his hand, pulling his to the dance floor. The song that stopped playing when we got there was a slow song. When we stepped on the dance floor One Direction's "No Control" came on. I remember it because Garcia's niece had came to visit one day at the BAU and she was playing us songs from their album. "Waking up beside you I'm a loaded gun I can't control this anymore I'm all yours, I got no control, no control! Powerless and I don't care it's obvious I just can't get enough of you, the pedal's down, my eyes are closed! No control!" The music screams from the speakers. Before I realize what's even happening I'm grinding up on Spence. My hips sway against his lower stomach. "In the heat where you lay I can stay right here and burn in it all day!!!" The music booms as turn around and put my arms around his neck and I start to grind against him harder. "The pedals down my eyes are closed! No control!!" I yell as I feel my self getting turned on by him. He's not doing anything. Just swaying with me but it's different. It's more sexual then the normal 'two friends' sway dancing. "I'm all yours I got no control!" The music screams as Spence throws us into the wall and starts kissing me hard "Let's go back to our place!" I say as I fiddle with the buttons on his shirt "Deal." Spence says as he pulls me close and gives me a sloppy yet sexy kiss. I promised him fun tonight, and he's about to get it.

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