Keeping Secrets

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Reid's POV

"Spence please. I'm begging you.. Don't do this." JJ says as I let go of her arms "Guys! Come on round table room in 5!" Garcia says as I nod and look back at JJ "Come on." I say as I start to walk out and feel her grab my arm "Please Spence. Don't say anything." JJ says with pleading eyes. She's clutching onto my arm as if her life depends on it... Which it probably does.. "Please." I look down at her hand wrapped around my arm when I see another small bruise. I sigh and close my eyes to prevent the tears that are about to fall. "Ok." I say as I open them and look at the shocked reaction on JJ's face "But only until you get out of that mess." "I promise!" JJ says "Now come on. We better get in there before the team figures out we're keeping secrets." I say as she smiles and let's go of my arm "Ok." JJ says. As we start walking I noticed a couple times she's brushed my hand. I thought nothing of it but she kept going it. She'd slide only one finger in the palm of my hand and brushed her fingers against mine. I have to admit, I've had a crush on her since she joined the team but never said anything about it. Once we get in the round table room JJ and I sit together. She made Emily move by Morgan just so she could sit by me. Hotch comes in and tells us we don't have a case and I hear JJ sigh. Maybe she was looking forward to getting away from him while she could. "So that's it? We can go home?" Emily says "Yeah that's it." Hotch says as JJ grabbed my hand under the table "What about that case in Atlanta Georgia? 9 murders in a week? The killer hasn't been caught and he's on a spree." I say as everyone looks at me like I'm the kid in class who reminded the teacher of the home work "That case pending but they haven't invited us in." Hotch says "They've have nine murders Hotch! And you're just going to wait for them to call?!" I say "Reid! You know we have to be invited in!" Hotch says "We can go home and I advise you do that before you get fired!" "Nine murders Hotch. Nine." I say as everyone get up and leaves but me and JJ "Reid go home." Hotch say as I stand up and let go of JJ's hand "Nine." I say just before we walk out leaving Hotch and Rossi in the room and me and JJ walking to the elevators "I can't believe we didn't have a case." I say once we're in the elevator "Atlanta's had nine murders and he won't do a thing about it." "Did you do that for me so I could get away from Daniel?" JJ says as I bite my lip "Spence.." "Ok yes I did! So what." I say as JJ smiles and hugged me "Thank you." JJ say "For what?" I say as I hug her back "Trying to keep me away from him." JJ says "Thank you."

AN// Ok so I know Jeid is kinda moving fast and it's only chapter 2 and everything but it's going to go a bit fast then in a way slow down and some things happen 😏 I'm going to try and update twice a day but I can't make any promises

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