Daniel Smith

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Emily's POV

"Oh god JJ I- I didn't know." I say as I pull her closer to me. She's sitting with her knees up to her chest with her arms crossed at the top of her legs, with her head down. "I just- I... Daniel's a good guy deep down I know he is, but it's-" she says "Just his attitude. I know JJ." I say as she looks up "Been there?" JJ asked as I smile at her "Yeah I have." I say "I'm sorry." I hear JJ whisper "No it's fine." I say "How um- how long did you wait? You know- to- to get out." JJ says "Three years." I say "You?" I asked JJ "Today." JJ says "I'm done waiting."


Emily and I got up from the bathroom floor and went to pay the lady for the mirror I broke when I got mad, then went to Daniels. I made Emily drop me off and she said if I wasn't back in ten minuets she was calling the team and a lot of back up. Which I'm not complaining, I liked the idea of knowing that my life could be in the hands of my best friend and I could still be safe. "Daniel?" I say softly going into the house "Jennifer!" I hear him say as he walked to me with a smile. I smiled but only because I was in shock. "Listen uh, we need to talk." I say "No. I'm talking you're listening." Daniel says "Ok." I say quickly, knowing if I didn't this wouldn't end well. "I know you're pregnant and I-" Daniel says as the door burst open making us both jump up off the couch "Daniel Smith hands up!" Emily yells as the team runs in "What's going on!" I say as Morgan pulls me outside "You don't know?!" Morgan says "JJ he's our unsub."

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