Broken Mirror

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Emily's POV

I found Reid in the ally way crying after the team saw JJ running to the store crying. Morgan went and talked to him and I went to talk to JJ. It was about a five minuet walk but JJ ran it in two. "Good after noon!" The lady says as I walk in the store and smile "Hi. I'm looking for a lady about 5'6, blonde hair, blue eyes. She ran in here a few minuets ago. It's important I talk to her." I say as the lady look down and sighs than looks back up "She's in the bathroom in the back. She's not doing too well. Told me a boyfriend had a bad influence on her. She's back there crying.." She says "Is there something else?" I say and she looks down "Please. It could be important." I say "She bought a pregnancy test about ten minuets ago. Hasn't came out since." She says "Thank you." I say running to the bathroom. I got a bad feeling about this.


"JJ open up!" I hear Emily yell as she bangs on the door "Go away." I say. I put my knees up to my chest and my arms crossed, laying my head down as the tears roll down my cheeks again. "JJ please! I know what happened with Reid." Emily says as I immediately get up and run to the door to let her in "Oh God honey.." "I don't wanna talk about it, how's Spence." I say "Crying in an ally." Emily says as I run my hand threw my hair and walk around the bathroom "It's all my fault." I whisper as Emily walks in and shuts the door "No it's not." Emily says "Yes it is! It is it is it is!" I yell "JJ stop it! Calm down!" Emily yells "No! It's my fault! It's all my fault! Everything is my fault! I ruin everything! I'm in love with Spence and I just ruined us! I ruin everything! It's all my fault! It's all. My. Fault!" I yell as I punch the broken mirror over and over again making the glass shader "JJ!" Emily yells ask punch it against until my hand bleeds "JJ stop!" Emily yells pulling me again "Stop it!" Emily says as I lean against the wall and slowly slid down "I ruin everything." I whisper "That's not true." Emily says sitting beside me, putting her arm around me as I cried. We sat there like that for a few minuets until I finally said it. "I need to tell you something." I say as I look at her "What is it?" Emily asked "The truth." I say "It's time I tell someone."

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