Wanna Go Out Tonight?

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I kept scooting closer to Spence during the movie until my head was on his shoulder. I don't know the name of the movie we were watching but when I looked up I heard Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran playing. "I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways.. Maybe just the touch of a hand." I say as I smile and look up at Spence looking down at me smiling "Maybe we found love right where we are." Spence says as he smiles. I lay my head back down and we finish the movie. The song at the end was Marry Me by Train. That's always been my favorite song. "Marry me.. If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café say you will." Spence says as he smiles "If you marry me I'll say I do and forever be yours 'till the day I die." I say as I look at him and he smiles. Neither one of us really talk about it anymore but, Spence and I technically met before we both joined the BAU. We actually met when I had a soccer championship at his high school. We never admitted it to anyone but we dated and saw each other a lot of that. I don't even think Spence remembers. It was a really long time ago anyways. 15 years ago, actually. Everything we did was always for each other and never for our selves. That's the reason we broke up so long ago. That, and I moved. Well that was in the time being of me moving to Washington with my mom. My dad was killed over seas in 2003. My mom just couldn't stand the thought of being there with all his stuff so we moved and sold some of it. Which I'm not complaining. I couldn't sleep in my room with all his stuff he had given me over the years. 'It's getting better. It keeps getting better all the time.' That's what I always used to say to myself after that happened. The fact that it actually worked surprised me, a lot. "Maybe we could go to get some drinks later then go out. Just you and me." I hear Spence says as I snap out of my thoughts "Spence I'm sorry- what were you saying? I'm sorry I just got sucked into my thoughts and then all the memories of us and my dad came back and-" I say "I was suggesting maybe you and me could get away for a bit later. Hotch and Blake said we don't have to be here and set up until tomorrow since it's getting late here." Spence says as I look at him and see him smiling "So.. Wanna go out tonight?" "I'd love to." I say smiling as get up and pull him up with me "You get dressed, I'll call Hotch." Spence says as we smile "Deal." I say as I smile again. I lean in for a quick kiss just before running upstairs to get dressed. Tonight's about having fun and cutting lose, and I'll be damned if we come back here and didn't have any.

AN// I'm sorry this update took so long!! Please don't forget to leave a comment! Feedback is very much appreciated!

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