1. Celebration

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Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

It wasn't in the splendid grand hall with the high ceiling and dark beams the party was held, but downstairs in what they called 'The undercroft', which once served as almshouse and hospital. This might have pointed to a certain degree of sarcasm towards the celebrants, but the intimate feeling suited much better.

"Congratulations!" Everybody applauded and wolf whistles pierced the magnificent room with chunky wooden beams that were 650 years old as the couple walked in there, hand in hand.

The husband smiled at his wife. "Who would have thought that we'd still be together when we met?" The wife simply smiled back at him and wrinkles around her eyes revealed a rich life.

Cheers echoed throughout the vast space, distracting our delicate moment.

"Congrats Nanna." Some of the teenage girls approached.

"Oh thank you dear!" The grandmother got a kiss on the cheek and so did the grandfather

"Being married for fifty years; that's really something amazing!"

Charles and I shared a loving look and a smile. "Time travels fast when you are truly blessed like we are." Charles smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Naaw..." The grandchildren that had gathered around the celebrating couple smiled dotingly and parted to allow us to find our seats at the head of the table.

"You were married like in the sixties?"

I turned and look at one of my granddaughters. "Yes sweetie, I was one year older than you are now."

That little fact seemed to shock the girl as it settled in. "You married at seventeen?" Annie gasped.

I smiled and knew there was something mischievous glinting in my eyes. "Yes, I got knocked up," I hissed and noticed several pupils widen. It was some wicked part of me that wanted to shock the young audience.

"Nan, stop saying that!" The girl's twin brother objected. "It sounds horrid coming from a... lady." He blushed a bit.

I leaned closer and whispered to the boy. "Nice save there, but it's the truth so think about that and keep that plonker in your trousers lad." He was always so confident and I wanted to shake his world a tad.

Aaron paled; he didn't even want to think about his parents doing anything like that, let alone his grandparents.

"Just seventeen, how could you get married at seventeen?" Annie's cousin Meara asked curiously.

"I was a different time," I answered my granddaughter. Thoughts of shocking Aaron further with details of the sexual revolution tickled my mind as I walked through the greeting crowd to finally take my seat by the table next to my husband. I knew I wasn't supposed to be crude at sixtyseven, but didn't want to settle down with a pair of knitting needles just yet. I wasn't done living yet.

On the huge table a delicious entre course was served and the conversation died out momentarily to pick up again when the guests had tasted their first bites.

It felt amazing to sit there surrounded by our family. I had lived a good life, and was still out and about with friends. The only thing I missed was the great adventure I had dreamed of as a young girl.

Charles smiled at me and I sent a thank you for that man who had been a comfort throughout the years. He had been supportive and honest and most importantly he had made me laugh.

The cheers subsided and the jolly chattering with it as Amy clinked her glass and stood up. "Mum, Dad; it is amazing to stand here and celebrate your fifty years together."

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