20. Finding clues

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Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

"Ty, did you put my Nanna's notebook in your satchel? I'd like it back please."

There was a curious glimpse in Ty's eyes that I hadn't noticed earlier. It was as if he saw me for the first time again. "Of course." He smiled and walked back to his room.

I had been a little confused at the current that used to make the air between us sparkle, it was now dull. If I had been brought up in a place like this I would probably not look twice at a girl like myself. Ty knew how I used to live and I was grateful that only one of these fabulous men knew.

"Here you go." Ty returned and handed me the old book.

It felt ceremoniously to once again have it in my possession and I turned it over and over somehow making sure it was still okay. "Have you found out anything else?"

A wrinkle showed up between his brows. "More than the fact that you're a changeling?"


"Well not really a changeling; your Nanna is not your grandmother at all, but your mother and your father is Fae."

The shock sent jolts through me and my ears started to ring. The bloke in front of me started to blur as my eyes filled with tears.

Had my entire life been a lie?

"What's going on here?" Quin showed up and noticed my stress. He hurried to me and took the seat right next to me. "What's going on?" he growled towards Ty who stood there as if he wasn't that interested in my distress.

"It's this..." Tears flowed down my cheeks as I handed Quin the old notebook. He instantly put his arm around me and offered his broad shoulder for me to cry on.

That was an offer I couldn't refuse and sobs shook my body before I looked up through tear soaked lashes. "Could you help me understand?" I nodded towards the notebook in his hand and he opened it.

None of us noticed Ty who poured himself a drink and downed it instantly.

Carefully he leafed through the old pages. "It's about you. Why is it written in Alvish?" Quin momentarily looked up at me until his attention returned to the scribbling I couldn't read. "Your father is Elf?"

I looked up at Ty. "I thought you said Fae?" I snivelled and Quin handed me a handkerchief; it was of cotton and had beautiful embroideries around it. I didn't want to blow my nose in it.

"Fae is the collective name for all the Fae races; faeries, light and dark elves." Quin offered to explain before Ty had come around to it.


Quin's attention returned to the mystery revealed by this old book. "So your mother was very much aware of the otherworld," he concluded.

It took a few moments before I understood that the mother Quin was referring to was my biological mother; the one I had thought to be my grandmother all my life. "She was a witch."

Quin looked up to me. "Yes, a very powerful one it says here."

"Marciana Eleonora," Ty said and I thought I saw Quin flinch.

"How could I not have known that she was a witch?" My voice was a mere whisper and Quin wrapped his arm tighter around me.

"Do you two want some time on your own?" Ty's voice cut through the air, as cold as his eyes were.

"Of course not."

"Don't be stupid!" Quin got angry at once. "You don't have to be a prick." They continued their conversation in the language that they had spoken for several hundreds of years where they could speak free without any interruptions from the human present. A lot had happened in their past that apparently still was a spinner in the wheel.

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