4. Clues

141 8 3

Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

"Excuse me miss?"

I was on my way through the lobby of the hotel, turned towards the man who hurried to catch up with me. It was the guy who worked in the reception area. I had seen him several times during our first few days there, but he must have had a few days off.


"Are you by any chance related to the old couple in room 12, the honeymoon-suite?"

I stood glued to the spot, looking deadpanned at him, unable to figure out what he was talking about.

"Excuse me for asking, we're just worried since we haven't seen them in a few days."

The man had a sincere look on his face and I finally understood. I didn't doubt that he wondered who I was; I barely recognized my own reflection anymore. "That's very nice of you. I'm their... daughter."

"Their daughter?"

The man aired the same question that my subconscience was screaming at me.

"Yes, my mother hasn't been feeling so well, so I took her to the hospital." I made it up as I went along. "Then I stayed here with my brother." It felt weird how the explanation flowed out of my mouth even if it was an utter lie.

"Please send our regards and hope she will feel better soon." The man inclined his head and left me with just a curious glance towards me.

I exhaled heavy.

That day after my utterly ridiculous bender, Charles and I had avoided the breakfast-room. It had been a new bloke that delivered roomservice and no one had questioned our youthful look. I hadn't even considered the possibility that our young appearances could have been mistaken for somebody completely else.

My head was spinning with confusing thoughts as I walked down the minor town to get a different scenery. The forest was still my preference, but right now I needed to process the strange transformation I was going through. I also needed to buy clothes that matched my new body.

It was not just some minor change that Charles and I had been going through, but a whole cluster of transformations. I was pondering that change as I walked in this town, trying to get a grip on reality. Surely it couldn't be just all the fresh air that made me feel like a different person. Well okay perhaps not a different person, but a completely different age.

Yes, that was it; I felt much younger.

How could I feel younger than I had been in years? Even the reflection in the mirror confirmed it and I was too amazed to even try and dive into that mystery. That was something that only happened in films.

The thought was too wide to grasp and I distracted myself by studying the surroundings. I found it surprising that lot of the people around here where young, but they didn't have children around. Wasn't that unusual?

As if I didn't have enough on my troubled mind; all the people I met in town were very polite and that was another puzzle to me. Young people were usually more self absorbed, at least in my opinion, and I was aware that my grandchildren found me old, if not ancient. Younger people tended to avoid looking at older people all together and I wondered if it perhaps reminded them of their own mortality?

Here people nodded with mild curiosity in their eyes.

Nobody frowned as I walked into a clothing store, thinking that I was too old for fashion. With my youthful appearance I was getting the full service from the staff. They did their best to conjure a more adapt wardrobe and I revelled by the attention.

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