26. Research

47 2 0

Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

The image of the civilian Quin is only borrowed due to the striking gorgeousness. =D
Enjoy! / VeGirl

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"What does changeling mean? Does that mean that I'm not related to my grandmo... my mother at all?" I sighed as we sat on the sittingroom floor with my mother's note books strewn out around us. We had alternated between trying to figure out Ty's whereabout and my history.

"No." Quin reached his hand towards me and gripped mine tightly. "There is no doubt that you are your mother's daughter, even if she claimed you were her... granddaughter, right?" His eyes looked affectionately at me.

I blinked worried tears away. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, there is no doubt." Quin smiled. "Not all legends have to be true you know." His eyes held so much affection and warmth.

Why did he have to be so nice, I asked myself? It was so incredibly easy to fall for this bloke, much too easy and I reminded myself the baggage I had and the reason we sat here with books spread out over my living-room floor; Ty.

"Francine...?" He said my name so soft and I looked up at him. "Have you always been this insecure?"

His words hit me right in the stomach and I didn't know just what to answer. "To be young again has both sides you know." That was all the explanation I had for him at the time. There was no way I would speak of the shy young woman I had once been. I didn't want to venture into going through all the emotions with hormones raging in my body and all insecurity that came with that. "Don't forget that I'm..."

"Old? Stop that this minute. You forget that you are dealing with someone that is so much older than you could have imagined. Don't let this handsome exterior fool you."

I laughed out loud and wondered if my emotions would give me whiplash any time soon. I desperately hoped it would even out.

"Stop thinking so much about it," he added much softer than the scowling he had poured over me just a moment ago.

I nodded, not feeling much better at all. "Life has been a bit hectic lately." I did my best impersonation of a laughter, but didn't really fool any of us. My head started to pound from the emotional strain.

Quin inhaled deeply and stretched his neck which popped quite audible. "I think we need a night out." He raised his brows suggestively and offered a smile.

A night out?

I wondered if he had hit his head, but realised it might be helpful to stop brooding about me and my emotions, or how to get Ty out of his current situation. And my own history was too confusing to even address. "You might be right." I stretched my own neck and it crunched as if I had salt in it. "This has been a dead end."

For two days we had been looking for more info about my own history while figuring out where the aunt Roselba might have been tucking Ty away.

"Yes a night on town would work splendidly tonight. We need to clear our heads."

* * *

It was to ease the strain of research that Quin and I had gone through a pint in a pub and later found ourselves in one of the many clubs in the part of town I had never visited before. Youngsters rarely appreciate if senior citizens start to hang out in their place, at least not what I'd heard, and I had never tried to prove it wrong.

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