22. Life at the Royal court

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Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

The days that followed consisted of the same contemplating for me as that first day had. Why was Ty giving me the cold shoulder; he who had given me so much support in the beginning of this adventure?

The Queen was the epitome of polite friendliness, but Ty was just as much the centre of void as he had been.

Ty's dismissive approach resulted in me being more inclined to seek out Quin's company and that worked out perfectly since the former one had responsibilities at court, leaving me and Quin alone a lot. Some of that time, Quin spent teaching me to use my magic skills. We had found a little clearing in the woods behind the palace where we were alone.

"Think of the earth as a source of power and ask her to help you." Quin explained the basics. "Magic is conjured from the ground and it is returned to reenergize the ground." His expression was encouraging as was his smile.

I listened carefully and did my best to follow his instructions. I had never taken time to practice yoga or any kind of meditation and found it hard to put aside all thoughts swirling in my mind. There was quite a lot that troubled my mind.

"You need to empty your mind, or else it won't work," Quin instructed as a matter of fact.

"But how did I do that?" I was getting restless and irritated, which had just the opposite effect.

Quin took both my hands in his and instructed me to breathe deep and what to think to clear my mind. With closed eyes I tried my best to do exactly what he said and then try the magic spell that he had taught me. Unfortunately it was just as ineffective as it had been earlier.

"Urghh..." I growled annoyed and stomped my feet.

"Hey! Don't punish the earth!" Once again he took my hands and instructed me to breathe deeply and I did everything he said. Despite that, Quin's eyes focused on the wrinkle of irritation between my brows.

Like a flash from the sky he pressed his lips on mine in a sultry kiss and that was the best of distractions. Instantly my mind got completely empty.

My body on the other hand reacted violently and soon I had magic swirling from the ground like vines of honeysuckle totally overpowering trees in their way, or ivy that covers an old house. The magic swirls turned into a plant I had never seen, and that plant swirled up along my legs and finally bloomed with unimaginable flowers.


With my mouth open in astonishment I turned towards Quin, who was watching me warily.

"I told you I'm a great kisser didn't I?" Quin's expression changed as a smile curled the corners of that talented mouth. He looked both amazed of the feelings that kiss had evoked and surprised of my feeling of awe. It was a heady combination. He bent down and picked one of the flowers and gave it to me.

My eyes were huge and I reminded myself of the less than attractive open mouth and closed it. "Thank you," I whispered, still with the same adoration in my eyes. Perhaps I should have felt undignified for the stunt he pulled, but I couldn't.

He studied me for a while before answering smiling. "It was my pleasure."

For a considerable amount of time I stood there looking mesmerized up at him; I wondered what it would be like to let passion sweep us away. For the first time I wondered what lovemaking would be like with this man. I had not even considered it before with another male since the day I married Charles. The thought gave me the most perculiar feeling, since Charles clearly had never had the same exclusivity.

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