32. The sum of all fears

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Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

"Oh no, not that forest." Panic gripped me instantly and my eyes welled up again.

"We'll protect you, you know we will." Ty put his hands on my shoulders and looked straight at my face. I instantly knew he would do anything to protect me.

"And you had a plan of your own last time we passed there, didn't you?"

My panic subsided as I thought of the old rhyme my mother had read to me. Serenity spread immediately, but as soon as I looked up at the blokes all I could remember was that girl screaming for her life and then the pulse went up again. "I can't do it. I can't go back." My vision blurred once again and the kitchen around us faded into a surreal water world.

"There is another way."

Ty turned and gave Quin what only could be described as an icy glare.

"There is?" I was hopeful.

Ty didn't just roll his eyes; he rolled his entire head. "It is much further."

"We can go to Alfheim directly?"

"No, but we can take another route where we don't have to go through the dark forest."

"From Andlang?"

"No, through Vanaheim..."

"But it is a much further trip," Ty objected and Quin confirmed it before I had time to question the designated estimation.

"Yes, it is much further in Fae, and also here in your realm."

"Another portal?"

"Yes, the Vanaheim portal isn't in England, it's in Sweden."

I could feel my brows fly upwards. "Blimey!" This was something completely different than last time and I hoped that was a good thing. I leaned back in my chair while processing this turn of event. "What is Vanaheim?"

"It's another world; another realm."

How could I not know about this? "How many worlds are there anyway?"

Ty smiled patiently at me. "According to legend there are nine, but none of us have been to all."

I nodded slow and contemplating. Nine worlds? This was a lot to take in; no it had already been a lot. This was too much. "How many of us human walks around here unaware of these worlds that exists within our perimeter?"

Ty and Quin looked at each other. "Isn't it nine billion?" Ty turned towards me. "I thought you would be much better informed about the population on earth."

"I thought we established that she isn't human?" Quin cut in.

"Oh yes, quite right." The taunt was clear.

I pursed my lips in a way I hadn't done since I was last dealing with one of my obstinate grandchildren. "I mean how many knows?"

Quin smiled. "Very few."

"The legends are basically lost to people nowadays. People are more inclined to believe what they read on Facebook now; or so I've heard," Ty added since he was in no place to send friend requests in any of the social media's.

All three sat in silence a short while. I was the one to brake it with a heavy exhale. "I better put the kettle on." I got on my feet to busy myself. While the hands were busy, my mind seemed to work much better. "Why Sweden?" That was not a part of Europe I had visited before. Norway I had travelled to see the fjords, but never Sweden.

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