34. Answers

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Written 2015 by VeGirl ©

"What does it say Ty?" It was obvious that it was written in elvish or whatever the language was called. The letters were swirly and absolutely beautiful.

"Let me look at it." We sat tight together and tried to decipher whatever message was written in the old book. Now and then we had to re-heat it to make the words develop clearer. "It is a letter to you." He looked dotingly up at me before he started reading.

Francine Eleonore, my beloved daughter.

Inasmuch as you are reading this, I take it you have finally required enough knowledge about the realms that surround us. I am presumably gone, having passed over to my next adventure, but you have such a long life ahead of you and I hope you make judicious decisions.

Since I persistently have refused to teach you Alvish, I am inquisitive as to whom is reading this to you; a powerful warrior, a skilled witch or perhaps a beautiful prince?

Ty stopped reading and our eyes met with a hesitant fluttering. His hair had fallen in his face and he stroked it away in an automatic motion. 

"She knew I would find you?" I watched Ty with eyes wide open. "But what if your aunt Roselba wouldn't have come to that town? I would never have met you."

Warmth and compassion radiated from him, and was that sadness? "We would have met; fate wouldn't be cruel enough to prohibite that."

My pulse raced immediately and hope filled me. Could he be interested anyway?

"How about we continue?"

Since we have travelled this far, I suppose you are more than anxious to find out about yourself and your history. First of all let me express how immensely much I regret having to give you up, but allowing you to live a human life is still the best decision I have made.

"She admits to giving me up." My throat clogged and it was hard to get words out, but I couldn't listen anymore without interrupting.

"And she expresses how much she regrets that." Ty did his best to convince me and even though I knew he was right, I was too emotional to take it in.

"She left me to live this mortal life." I started to wave my hands about which were perfectly connected with the volume control. "Why not take me with her? Why didn't she tell me she was my mother, I wish I had known."

He hid my hands in his own for solace. "I don't know beautiful, but perhaps we will find out if we keep reading?"

I can't blame you for the curiosity about your father, but there is a few things we have to sort out first.

The words faded out and with momentarily scrunched eyebrows Ty quickly leaned forward. I gasped, scared that the book would go up in flames, but Ty's surprised face made me realised that was never his intentions. "Sorry," I murmured.

A quick smile was casted in my direction before he continued reading.

I hope you can forgive me for placing you in a family that wasn't ours in the first place. From what you read in the other notebook I figure that you thought your foster mother was actually your sister, but we are actually not related at all; that was just a compulsion I planted in them as I placed you in their care.

Yes, I know you are just about to object; how could I know they would treat you good, but you forget the art of compulsion. I told them to treat you like their princess.

But you're my princess.

My objections were totally swept under the rug and I felt my chest constrict. It was difficult to breathe without the air jumping into my lungs in sobs.

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