39. Breaking up

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Written 2016 by VeGirl ©

Back in the silvery valley of Alfheim, Eirian had left me alone with the two men who had fought for her attention so many years ago. My head was still swarming with the fact that had been presented to me. My father – the one I had never heard of – was apparently not only alive and here, but had also climbed quite the career and was currently on top.

Ty and Quin had walked back to our camp site and I followed in contemplative pace. As I joined them, Quin had packed up his belongings and stood with an unnaturally stiff posture.

"Well, thank you for the privilege of solving this mystery with you."

Surprised I looked up at him, wondering what was going on. "I'm the one who are thanking you. Are you leaving?"

"I have to head back and check on my father." He didn't look directly at me, but busied himself with the things around him. "You'll be alright?" he now addressed Ty.

"Yes, of course we will." They shared a look that I was excluded from, but that seemed to be some kind of mutual understanding.


The look that met me was masked in feigned boredome. "We'll meet again soon. If he doesn't take you there, you come see me yourself, okay?" A wayward smile lit up his face temporarily. Those dark eyes of his he efficiently hid behind the black hair. "If you stay in Alfheim, we are bound to meet within the next century or two."

Another century? I thought and forced my eyes not to widen. I reminded myself that time worked differently here, or was it life that was different?

This whole departure seemed dodgy to me and a wrinkle between my eyes deepened.

"So, goodbye milady." He took my hand, bent over it to give it a slight kiss. Ty and he gave each other a half hug and then he made a flamboyant and ceremonial bow. "Until we meet again."

I watched his departing back as he left us there by the silver creek. "What was that?" My tone was a little sharper than intended, but Ty simply took my hands and kissed my cheek.

"He's just being chivalrous, giving us space."

"Here's space for him as well," I objected.

"Indeed, but if he stayed, you would have objected when I did this." He gave me a light kiss. "And this." His kisses turned out to be almost as flammable as the one I had been dreaming about. "Mmm, almost as good as the last one," he murmured.

"Last one?"

A guilty expression struck him immediately and his eyes flickered wide between mine. "Yes, about that dream of yours."

My eyes matched his in size by now, I'm sure.

"Well you were persistent in your offering." A smile broke the guilt.

My face was instantly heating with embarrassment. "I was dreaming."

He quickly connected his hands behind my back, prohibiting me from escaping. "And it was such a good dream." He smiled and quickly placed a kiss on my cheek.

So that dream had held a reflection in reality? I felt mortified over having thrown myself at him and my cheeks were heating intensely. "I apologise." The words were mere murmurs.

"Don't." His face got serious at once. "Don't apologise, I've been waiting for an opening, but perhaps I worried to much." An embarrassed smile lit his face again.

"You worried; why?" I couldn't believe it.

"Well... I practically abducted you from your life and... why would you want me?"

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