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A/N Mason is SkyDoesMinecraft's and Alesa's baby. HE WAS BORN LIKE 2 DAYS AGO AND I STILL GOT THE FEELS, SO DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING JUDGE ME. MASON IS MY NEW LITTLE MARSHMALLOW AND HE IS SLOWLY CONSUMING MY LIFE. (lolzor, while looking on Google for a good picture of Mason, I saw a picture of Patrick... Like wtf Patrick?! You don't belong here!)

You were watching one of your favourite YouTubers, SkyDoesMinecraft. But at this moment, you were watching his gaming channel, SkyVSGaming. 

As you finished watching a Happy Wheels video, you saw he uploaded a new video. 


You click on it.

JinBoopGaming was there with Sky. 

As you laughed, Adam (Sky) said, "Anyways guys, if it seems that I'm a little tired, that's because... I am. I have fantastic news, which I'll be updating you guys on, on SkyDoesThings. If you guys want to go follow that... (Nice shameless self promo Adam) But, uh, no. I had my baby."

You paused the video and immediately checked Adam's Twitter. Nothing of interest, except him announcing his videos.

But, you then checked Alesa's Twitter and there it was. A confirmation that baby Mason was born. \

You fangirled to yourself, but it wasn't so quite.

Patrick came into the living, where you were sitting. "What's wrong with you?"

"ADAM AND ALESA HAD THEIR BABY!" You said, excitedly. 

"Great!" Patrick says. "Who are Adam and Alesa?"

"Goddamnit Patrick!" You say. "Do you ever listen to me?"

"Yeah," Patrick says, looking at the ground.

"I'll explain things later..." you say.

"Ok, good," Patrick says. 

"Damn, they had their baby already..." you say. "I want a baby, now..."

"What?!" Patrick asks, shocked.

"Yeah, I said that!" You point out. "I want a baby!" 

"Nooooo!" Patrick says. "No babies."

"Whyyyyyyyyy?" You ask.

"Because, I don't want any babies," Patrick says.

"This is coming from the guy who volunteers to take of Pete's kids..." you say. 

"Hey! I like them!" Patrick says. 

"So, you won't like your own children?" You ask.

"Well... no- DAMNIT (Y/N)!" Patrick says.

You realize this was pretty awkward, so you just end the conversation. "Right now, I'm just gonna stick to loving Mason as my own child, and I'll ask you for a baby later..."

Patrick looks at you, with happy eyes, and he smiles. "Thank you."

Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now