Patrick - Sous Chef

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"Hey, Pat?" I called from the kitchen.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He replied endearingly while walking into the kitchen. He leaned against the doorway.

"Can you please grab the salt for me?" I grabbed the small salt shaker from the side of my pot and shook it. "I used this up. There's a larger container in the cabinet."

"Of course I will," Patrick walked towards the cabinet nearest to the refrigerator. I heard shuffling until he finally closed to the cabinet door. "There you go, honey."

"Thank you, baby," I smiled, looking at him.

I puckered my lips, signaling I wanted a kiss. Patrick pecked my lips, then brushed his nose against mine. Both Patrick and I giggled.

"Can you stir the pot for me, baby?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course," Patrick stepped in front of me and took the spoon from my hand. I used my hand to guide him with the pace that worked best. He smiled at me.

The glare of Patrick's glasses shined against the stove light. It added an extra sparkle to his eyes.

I walked out of the kitchen for a moment to check my phone, which I had left out on the coffee table. There was nothing significant. I walked back into the kitchen.

Pat faced the counter, no longer stirring the pot.

"What're you doing, sweetie?" I wrapped my arms around Patrick's waist from behind.

"I saw that you had some vegetables you hadn't finished chopping, I wanted to help a little more." Patrick smiled.

"Oh, Pat," I said, lightly giggling, "you're like my little chef, huh?" I kissed his cheek.

Patrick's smile widened, "Only for you, baby."


hope you liked that lil thang i worked up

~ author-chan

Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now