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You quietly browse through Instagram and see someone you're following post something about a guy named Patrick Stump. You had no idea who he was, so you check out his Instagram. 

Fairly cute. And pretty funny when it came to his posts.

Then, your roommate, Emily (Sorry if you're name is Emily), walks into the living room and sees you looking at Patrick's photos. 

"You're looking at Patrick's Instagram," she points out.

"Yeah, Captain Obvious," you reply.

"You are looking at Patrick's Instagram," she repeats. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), crossed over to the Stumpy side, have we?"

"No..." you reply, laughing."I was just interested."

"Of course you are," Emily says, smiling.

Emily walks over to the couch you're sitting on, and plops down next to you.

As you clicked on different photos, you could hear Emily bed for Patrick to stop being cute.

"No, no, nopity, nope, nope, no," Emily said, as you clicked on the picture of Patrick wearing his Batman pajama bottoms. "I'm done! MR. STUMP, WOULD YOU KINDLY NOT BE CUTE?"

"I doubt that will happen!" You yell.

Emily turns back around and looks you dead in the eye. "He shall stop being cute."

Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now