Another One

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I was back in the dark room with no windows and doors, yet some how it was different. The smell of rain hung heavy in the air and the creature in the yellow cloak was no where to be seen. I pushed myself to my feet and began to search for a way out.
"You aren't ready to get out of here, Azari." The creature suddenly appeared out of thin air. It wasn't hunched over like it usually stood. For the first time since I've had this dream I wasn't scared of the figure.
"I've met my father, now tell me who you are?" it's claws were replaced by fingers and its voice sounded almost human.
"In due time." It turned it's back on me and began to walk towards the wall.
"Hey, I'm serious I need answers! You have answers!" The first rain drop hit my nose, followed by an army of its kind.
"Blood must always keep its secrets." It turned around and I frozen. The creature had the same red eyes that Alex had and they were locked onto me. My powers spiked as my eyes shot open.
Everyone was still asleep; the sun was low on the horizon casting an ember shade along the ground. Zae didn't come back last night after our heated argument. I almost felt guilty for hitting him,
The way he was acting last night wasn't like him at all. Even in other situations he would always hear me out, this time was different. It was like he was almost hiding something or he didn't want to hear it. I stood up and began to stretch when my older brother dropped from the sky.
"I see you're up." He was going to give me the cold shoulder I see.
"Yup." My feet started to carry me to the newly formed creek when I felt my brother walk up behind me.
"Azari, I have to tell you something, but the others can't know." Taking a hand full of water, I began to wash my face as anger started to build inside of me towards my older brother.
"What is it?" My anger instantly went away when I finally faced my older brother, the first time in my life he looked nervous.
"I know you weren't lying last night Azari, and I wish Alex didn't tell you, but there is way more to it then our fathers being demons. There is a dark storm coming and we are supposed to play a role in it. Mom wanted to keep us out of it so that's why John was placed into our lives. Don't throw everything away that mom did to keep us safe, drop this situation Azari, please." His eyes held mine and I stared at him with an open mouth. He knew all this time, that's why he was acting so strange last night. Our mother never told us the truth about our fathers. I threw a hand through my hair and turned back around.
"Do you think its fair to Mal, Scarlet, and Shadow to not know the truth? How would you feel if you were on the outside looking in? Or imagine how they will feel when they find out, and they'll know that you knew this whole time ,and didn't tell them. " I paused letting my words sink in. "Zae, I'll keep my mouth shut, but you shouldn't, it's your responsibility to tell them the truth."
"No, my responsibly is to keep everyone safe, which I've been doing fine with." I felt the tension in the air grow. Seeing this as a loosing battle, I shrugged my shoulders, and started to drink from the stream.
"I'll keep your secret, but when they find out, oh trust me they will, I don't know anything." Before my older brother could respond I pushed past him and started towards the other side of the camp. A rumble from the heavens above halted my venture to my family's slewing place. An uneasy feeling crept into me, and before I knew it, I was running full sprint into the woods. My body moved with out thought, and I felt excited. The rain began to beat my face and a slow smile spread across my face. What was happening to me? I ran for almost 3 miles, never breaking stride, while the storm just kept getting stronger and stronger. My body was drawn to the center of this force of nature and my blood boiled for what was at the end. A metallic smell hit my nose before my feet stopped moving. A small village was laid to waste by the storm. Then I saw the red streaks, blood lined the streets and lose body parts laid everywhere. Movement to my left caught my attention, a man with his kneecaps blown off laid on the edge of the road, a low moan echoed the mans pain.
Lowering my body down to his level, I can see his legs were cleanly cut off. Blood flowed out at a constant rate, he wouldn't last much longer like this. The older man raised his head and looked at me, deep smile lines cut into the side of his face, he lived a happy life from what I could tell.
"Two boys, around your age came in to our town and told us about this." His body began to quake as blood spurted from his mouth. I didn't even flinch; was I becoming some monster? Did the sight of blood no longer make my stomach turn?
"This storm that was coming, we began to pack our supplies when it hit, the last thing I saw was one of the boys taking flight into the sky." He held my eyes while more blood spurted from his mouth.
"The storm is coming, boy be prepared." The light left the man's eyes as his chest stopped moving. Another movement caught my attention, this time from the sky. A singe black feather dropped to the ground, followed by four more. A boy floated in the air, large black wings beating the sky softly. The sun shadowed his face, yet he was familiar to me.
"Did you do this?" The boy's wings began to speed up and I knew he was leaving. I would have given chase, but something told me not to.
"Yes I did ." And with that the boy was gone. I surveyed the village a little longer before I headed back towards my home. Two-hundred people dead sixty of them were kids. Why was I pulled to this slaughter? Who was I?
Sabastion sprinted to the meeting place that him and Roman set up. Today was their biggest score by far. They would have enough food and supplies to last awhile and wouldn't have to rob anymore helpless villagers. That was the strongest the storm they had ever created, never before were the able to summon both lighting and thunder.
It was a hurricane.
Deep within he hoped no one had gotten hurt, Roman always assured him that no one would get hurt. The plan was always the same; go into a village tell them that a storm was coming, cause the storm, leave with all of there food and supplies. It wasn't an honest living, but it had to be done.
Roman and Sabastion had been together for almost 5 years now. Sabastion was tall and lanky with jet black hair and unreal blue eyes. Roman on the other hand was very tall with deep bronze skin. His eyes were a cold grey with small particles always floating in them.
"I see you're late, as always brother." Roman always used a cold tone when he talked to Sabastion, that it became normal. Roman was parched on a tree branch looking down his nose at his younger brother.
"I didn't see you doing any heavy lifting. I've made 3 trips back and forth bringing supplies here while you just flew away to cause some storm clouds." Sabastion dropped the last of the supplies onto the ground.
"Storm clouds you say, uhmmmm." Roman began to stoke his beard as he dropped to the ground. His eyes glanced over the supplies and a wicked smile crept over his face.
"We came up big on this one Ro. We won't have to pull another stunt on anyone for a while." Sabastion flopped to the ground and looked at the sky. A familiar falcon was parched on a branch above his head.
"Yeah, you're right. Can you do me a favor and pack everything up. We will be moving from this area bright and early. I spotted some God Brothers in the area." Sabastion instantly reached up and cupped his neck, a scar still felt fresh.
"No problem." Sabastion began to pack the supplies up while Roman sat and began to write a letter, for what reason Sabastion didn't know.

Devoid Chronicles : Book 1 Blood SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now