Blood in the Water.

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Alex and his group closed the distance between us. His fiery headed friend looked more annoyed as he got closer. Before I could open my mouth to speak he cut me off.

"Boss, is this the reason you wanted to tag along?" The strange man eyes scanned all of us lingering on me before he returned them to Alex.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Firestar." Alex stepped around his group and reached a hand out for me. Scarlet stepped between us stopping the interaction. Alex smiled and in return Scarlet gave him a stone face.

"You start any trouble and I will bring you to your knees, got it?" Scarlet stepped out of the way and glared at the rest of Alex's group.

"So, spunky, I'm slightly tempted to cause trouble to see what you can do little sister." Alex rose his hand to me again and I cupped it pulling him into me. Dropping my voice to a whisper I spoke into his ear.

"Don't tempt her, I'm positive she can bring you to your knees Alex, and make you cry." Releasing the the grip a smile pulled on my cheeks as I watched Alex process the information as he looked at Scarlet.

"Things have changed a lot since our last encounter huh?" Alex turned his eyes to Sebastian who stood at the edge of the group staring at Alex. Alex smiled at Sebastian whose face transformed instantly to match Alex's smile. Reaching another hand out they shook hands that last longer than it should have.

"A lot has changed since our last encounter," Pulling back the sleeve of my bushit, I showcased my new tattoo. Alex appeared shocked as he reached out to touch the new marking on my arm. Pulling my arm back I covered the tattoo.

"I didn't peg you for the tattoo type brother." Casting his eyes to the sky before he returned them to me, Alex was still smiling.

"Yeah, Me either, I had no choice when it came to this one though." Nodding to the entrance of the Kingdom,

"We're on a mission to retrieve some gear for our teacher, you can tag along if you want." Scarlet turned her stoned face look to me and I made sure not to make eye contact.

"Zae wouldn't like that if he found out." She stepped in front of me and made sure to make eye contact.

"What Zae doesn't know won't hurt him, will it Sebastian?" My ghostly looking brother nodded his head as he seemed to be examining Steel and Metal. The twin brothers both returned his stares daring him to say anything.

"Did you say your teacher wants you to go inside of there?" Alex leveled a hand at the castle and stared at me.

"Yeah, does that come as a surprise?" My eyes flicked in the direction of Firestar who begin to shovel his bags into a belt on his side. I watched in awe as everything disappeared before my eyes. Feeling my stares, he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Guessing you never seen a bag buddy?" I opened my mouth to respond but decided a nod would have the same effect.

"Figures, if we're going to be heading in there don't want my stuff getting damaged." Firestar placed the last bag into his belt and started to stretch. I turned to Alex with a puzzled look on my face. He turned to Metal and Steel talking to the both of them. I couldn't hear the conversation but the brother with the blonde hair nodded before he locked eyes with me.

"Are we missing something," Scarlet eyes were still on Firestar's belt. Alex stepped up to her drawing her attention.

"Do you really not know anything about the twelve kingdoms?" Scarlet attempted to answer the question but Alex talked over her.

"Mother really messed you all up by keeping you in that cottage all those years." With the mention of my mother the powers that had been waiting idle in my stomach flared to life, but before I could step towards Alex, Scarlet cupped my hand. Only audible to me she whispered "calm down." I felt her powers working through me killing the flame before it could consume me. Alex realizing looked at Scarlet grabbing my hand then back up to me.

Devoid Chronicles : Book 1 Blood SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now