Chapter 2 - Close Friendships

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A/N hey guys! This chapter is pretty long I guess! I almost forgot to post it I'm so stupid!! Haha. Anyway hope u like it! Enjoy! :) xx


Chapter 2 - Close Friendships

It's been a few weeks, almost a month, since we started the movie. Today we are actually going to start filming. Until now we have just been learning our lines and going over the movements and the ins and outs of the scenes. It's been a lot of fun.

Since we've started, Louis, Abby, and I have become great friends. We've gotten pretty close and we hang out a lot. Being the biggest roles in the show we are in scenes together all of the time, and yes we've both kissed him. Only on set, only when we are in character. The first time Abby had to do it she pulled me aside after the scene and told me it "didn't meet her expectations." I don't feel anything when I kiss him. I'm an actress, a professional, any relationships my characters have mean nothing to me. And Louis knows that, we've made it clear. Abby and I also have a lot of fun calling him a bad kisser, which gets quite the reaction out of him.

I walk into the Starbucks us three go to every morning. Yes, every morning we go to Starbucks and sit and drink coffee. It's our routine and it can't be broken. I see Louis and Abby at our usual table and I see Louis bust out laughing and Abby blushes. I walk over to them and take a seat.

"Hey, Abs! Um...Lou?" I say as I sit. Louis just keeps laughing and Abby glares at him. "Um, I'm gonna go order. When I get back, you can catch me up." I order my iced capp and sit back down. Louis has calmed down but is still giggling while Abby continues to glare. "So, wanna fill me in...?"

"We were playing 20 Q..." The three of us always play 20 questions. When we first met we used it to get to know each other and now it's just a fun game.


"He asked me how my first kiss went...I told him not to laugh..." Abby explains while Louis holds in laughter.

"So how was it...?" She runs hand through her hair and takes a deep breath.

"We bumped heads," she mutters and Louis lets out a loud chuckle and I start to giggle too.


"And then he missed," she says even quieter and Louis busts out laughing.

"Louis, you can't laugh with your kissing skills. I would rather have that first kiss than kiss you out of character!" I taunt and he stops laughing. Now it's Abby's turn to make fun.

"Agreed. You kiss like a gay ten year old!" Abby remarks and we crack up laughing.

"Ok! Ok! I get it! What about you, Ally?"

"What about me?"

"Your first kiss!" I stop laughing in an instant. That kiss, that guy is one thing I never want to think about.

"Um, nothing interesting," I say flatly.

"Oh, c'mon tell us!" Louis begs.

"Please!" Abby chimes in.

"Guys, please. I don't want to talk about it..."

"Why not?"

"It's not a memory I like to relive."

"C'mon, Ally, we're friends. Tell us!" Louis pushes and I sigh loudly.

"Fine...I was a sophomore and I was at this party with a guy I really liked. He had actually asked me out which was a surprise because I never really had any friends, no one liked me. So I was really excited about this date, my first date with a guy ever. When we got there people were drinking. I should've just left then but I was too excited to be with this guy. We started drinking and we were dancing until he left to get another drink. While he was gone another douche came and made me dance with him, not very cleanly I might add. He forcefully made me because he was drunk and I didn't fight too much because I was too. He kissed me and the guy I liked saw it and never talked to me ever again. And I haven't kissed a guy since besides acting."

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