Chapter 26 - I Gotta Go

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A/N: omfg so I haven't updated in like a century....BUTTTTTTT this chapter is like the longest thing ever so that should make up for it. Luke it could be an entire book by itself it's so long. Anywayyyyyyy ENJOY!


Chapter 26 - I Gotta Go

I got the part.

I got it. I'm going to a week. I still haven't told Louis. I know, I'm a horrible person. I didn't want to tell him unless I got the part. When I got the part, I didn't want to tell him until the show was over. Now that the show has ended, I haven't been able to tell him. I can't make myself, I'm scared. I don't want to upset him, and I know he's gonna be mad that I didn't tell him sooner. I should've just told him a long time ago, but I'm a stupid wimp.

Abby is the only one of my friends who knows. I don't know how I would've told her if she wasn't there when it happened. She cried when I told her I got it. She's happy for me, she really is. She just doesn't want me to leave her.

I told my parents as soon as it happened, even before Abby. They're really happy and proud of me.

I want this. I really do. I want to go to America and keep my career going and get more popular and do more of what I love. I just really don't want to leave my friends behind. I don't want to leave Louis behind.

It's getting really hard to keep it from him. I just need to tell him, I don't know how to though.

Louis, Abby, Niall, and I are eating lunch. We all spend so much time together. How will I not do this everyday? While we're sitting at our table, a guy walks in the doors of the restaurant. One of the things Abby and I like to do is talk about hot guys around Louis and Niall. It makes them jealous and it's just hilarious.

"Oooo, Abs, look who just walked in the door!" I say and she turns around to look.


"I know right!"

"Girls, stop!" Niall whines.

"Do you think I could get his number?" Abby asks, ignoring Niall.


"I don't know...maybe you should!"

"You better not!" Louis warns

"But, Lou! He's so hot!" I say.

"Yeah, I mean look at him!" Abby adds.

"Stop!" Louis and Niall cry at the same time and Abby and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, Ally, I'm gonna miss you so much!" Abby says offhandedly and I freeze. Once she realizes what she said her head shoots up to look at me.

"Miss her?" Niall asks and I don't know what to say. Abby and I just sit silently.

"Why would she miss you, Ally?"

"I, um, I..."

"C'mon, Al. You have to tell them," Abby says.

"Tell us what?" Niall asks.

"I, I auditioned for a role in a new movie," I say nervously.

"And?" Louis asks.

"I got it."

"That's great!" Niall says.

"Why is Abby gonna miss you?" Louis asks seriously. He's concerned and he isn't letting his guard down.

"I have to film in America," I say quietly. "I leave in a week," I add.

"Wait, what?" Niall asks. I look over to Louis and his face is cold.

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