Chapter 9 - Promo

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A/N: Another Monday, another chapter!!! I hope you're liking this story so far! It's about to get better so hang in there! And please remember to comment!!! Enjoy :) xxx


Chapter 9 - Promo

Sunday night, tomorrow we start promo. We are going to pick clips from the movie to go into the trailer and stuff like that. We also have a few interviews organized for the next few weeks. It's the beginning of July and the movie comes out in August.

I'm sitting on the couch with my phone in hand and Louis' contact on the screen. I've tried to call him many times this past week since he has started ignoring me. Should I try again? Try to talk to him? Fix this, whatever it is? My finger is hovering above the call button. C'mon, Ally. Call him. Call the guy you've been wanting for how long now. The gorgeous, sweet, funny, talented, amazing guy you like far more than you should... I click the button turning my phone off. What's the use? He won't answer. He won't call back. He won't listen to a voicemail. There's no point. I don't exist to him anymore, I mean nothing to him now.

Someone jumps on the couch with me. I pet my beagle behind the ears.

"You still love me. Right, Toby?" I ask my dog. He licks my face in response and give him a small grin. "I thought so." I look at my phone one last time and sigh. "C'mon, Tobs. It's time for bed!" I say and scoop my dog up in my hands and head to bed.


"There. We're all set. Wanna watch it now?" one of our producers asks Louis, Abby, and I. We just finished putting the clips and stuff together for the movie trailor. We all nod our heads excitedly. They project the video on a big screen so all of the cast and everyone involved with the film can see it. When we finish watching it we all cheer. We can't believe the movie is so close to coming out and we're all so excited.

Our director tells us we are free to leave and that the trailor will air on TV tonight. We start walking out to our cars; Abby and I to mine and Louis to his. I walk next to Louis. His arm brushes against mine and sends a shiver up my arm. I move closer to Abby.

"So, you guys want to come over to mine to watch the trailor air?" Abby asks.

"Sure!" I say with a smile.

"Louis?" Abby asks. Yeah right, like he'll come. As much as I want him to, he won't.

"Well, I, um..."

"He doesn't want to come, Abs. Don't even try," I mutter, feeling the venom in my tone. I see Louis' shocked expression. "Well that's what you were about to say, wasn't it? That or some excuse on why you can't come when really you just don't want to be around me," I say harshly, waiting for him to object. When he doesn't I get in my car, slamming the door. I see Abby and Louis talk for a second and then Abby gets in the car and Louis walks away.

"That was a nice outburst..."

"I'm sorry. I just got frustrated," I say running my hands through my hair. "I guess I just, I wanted him to prove me wrong." I wanted him to object; tell me he wanted to come. If he really couldn't, I wanted him to say that he wanted to come, he wanted to spend time with us, with me, but he couldn't. I wanted him to tell me that there was nothing wrong with me, that he still liked me, that he wasn't ignoring me, but he didn't. He didn't say usual.

I take a deep breath and start the car, taking Abby to get her car and then going to her house. We hang out for a while, just eating and talking and having a good time together. Still I feel someone is missing. Someone from our trio is gone and I hate it. It's almost time for the trailor to come on. The first time our movie will be advertised. We're eating popcorn and staring at the TV. Suddenly, the commercial comes on and we both scream.

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