Chapter 34 - New Beginnings

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A/N: Ok so here we are, the last official chapter of this story! I hope you enjoy :) xx


Chapter 34 - New Beginnings

"But what if I don't get it?" I ask nervously as I stare at my phone, waiting for it to ring.

"Don't worry, babe. You will, I know it," Louis says and kisses my temple. He rocks me back and forth on his lap causing me to giggle.

"I'm not a baby, Lou," I tell him and he smirks at me.

"You're my baby," he says and winks.

"Ew, too cheesy," I say, hopping off his lap. I start pacing around the room. "Why haven't they called yet?" I wonder aloud.

"Settle down, Ally. They're gonna call and tell you that you got the part!" he tries to calm me down but I'm nervous!

Abby, Louis, and I all auditioned for a movie. Abby and Louis already got called by the director telling them they got their parts. Yet here I am waiting and getting more nervous by the minute. I mean it would suck if I didn't get this part. It seems like an amazing movie and it would be awesome, better than I can explain, to work with Abby and Louis again. If I don't get the part, they say they won't do the movie without me, but that's ridiculous! I can't let them give up their parts! I just really hope it doesn't come down to that.

When my phone finally rings, I take a deep breath and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"Is this Ms. Ally Parker?"

"That's me," I reply.

"Hello, this is Stanley Walker, the director of 'City Lights' calling."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Walker, how are you?"

"I'm good, Ms. Parker. I'm calling to inform you that you have gotten the part of 'Ella' in this movie."

"Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Walker, thank you!" I tell him and hear him chuckle over my excitement.

"No problem. You had a wonderful audition! Now have a good day, and I'll see you Monday!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Walker!" I say and hang up. I look at Louis with my smile overcoming my face.

"What did I tell you?" he asks rhetorically. Instead of saying anything, I just jump into his arms and hug him tightly. "I love you," he tells me randomly and I look up at him and kiss him.

Louis has been doing that a lot lately. He will tell me he loves me at the most random times, when I least expect it. Since we got back together, I think he doesn't want me to forget it. We've been dating for only about three weeks. In that time, we've been working on returning our relationship to where it was almost a year ago.

We hug, kiss, cuddle, and hold hands like crazy since we haven't been able to since I left for America. We always have to be in some sort of contact whether I'm sitting on his lap or his arm is around my waist.

I had forgotten how much Louis can really make me laugh. I've barely stopped laughing in these weeks. He's trying to "make up for the times I made you cry" as he puts it.

We can still talk as easily as ever. Surprisingly after our long break, nothing is awkward. We can still talk about everything and help each other through things. I can actually help him through the loss of his mum finally. He's really hurting over it. Just yesterday he got emotional because he couldn't call her and tell her he got a part in this movie. I've tried to comfort him as much as I can, and I've spent some time with his sisters and dad. They're all going through a tough time, but they're getting through it.

I know I've made the right decision. Taking Louis back could not have turned out better. I feel so much better when I'm around him. He really does complete my life; he completes me. Both Niall and Abby say that we're so much happier now. They were probably getting bored of us whining about each other. We're all ok now though, the four of us are reunited.


The three of us walk into the studio on Monday. We're early for once, so we just stand around and talk amongst ourselves.

"Remember the first day of Choosing Relationships?" Louis asks and I smile.

"Yes! Abby was all 'Have you heard about the lead guy, apparently he's hot!'" I say and Abby hits me.

"Why have I never heard this story?" Louis asks.

"It's true! And then you walked up and were all cocky and shit!" I tell him.

"I was not cocky!" he defends.

"Oh, yes you were!" Abby adds. "You were like 'Hey, ladies. I'm Louis Tomlinson, and I'm the lead role in this movie,'" Abby says, mimicking Louis' voice.

"Yes! And then when you left you were all 'Bye, ladies. See you on set.' I'm surprised you didn't wink!" I add and Abby and I laugh.

"Ok, ok, whatever! The question is, did Abby think I was hot?"

"No," Abby says.

"That is such a lie!" I exclaim. After he left you were like 'The rumors are true, he's gorgeous!' And then you were all happy because you were going to get to kiss him!" I say and Abby looks embarrassed.

"And what did Ally say about me?" he asks and I smirk.

"She was completely uninterested with you! She was like 'Yeah, he's alright. We're just acting blah, blah, blah...'" Abby explains and I laugh because it's completely true.

"Well, then! Maybe I should've fell in love with Abby instead!" Louis says, acting offended.

"But then Niall would never be in this picture!" I point out.

"Sure he would, you would be with him!" Abby says.

"Well, fine! You two can hook up, and I'll talk to Niall after work!" This job is actually for Niall too. Apparently, the director is cousins with THE Simon Cowell. So, after we work here a bit, we're gonna ask him to give Simon Niall's album. Hopefully he'll like it and sign Niall.

"Um, no. I've kissed Louis before, and I would rather not go down that road again!" Abby comments and Louis' mouth drops.

"That is very rude!" he says and Abby laughs. It's funny, this is exactly how our first movie together went. We could always banter with each other and mess around.

"It's ok, babe. She doesn't know what she's missing," I whisper in Louis' ear and he smiles proudly.

"I think we're getting started now," Abby says and we all head towards the director and the rest of the cast. Louis takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

"I wonder if this director will be as bad as Drill Sergeant," I mutter and Louis and Abby laugh.

"Let's pray he's not," Abby says.

"I don't think that's possible," Louis adds and we laugh again.

Everything is just as it was when Louis and I first started dating. Except this time, Louis and I are stronger, and we won't let something (or someone) stupid break us apart again.


A/N: so that's the end........oh wait there's an epilogue ;) there's always an epilogue! I know this is a short chapter but its the last one so yeah! And the epilogue will most likely not be long either! Sorry! Anyway COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!! Byeee

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