Chapter 16 - Maybe

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A/N: This chapter isn't very long but YOU'LL LIKE IT!!! AHHHHH !!!! Enjoy :) xxx


Chapter 16 - Maybe

*Louis' POV*

"So, do you always flirt with Ally like that?" Niall asks after Ally and Abby leave the day after. They spent the night. Ally slept in my bed, and Abby slept in the guest room. Niall and I slept on the couches. No, you don't have to say it, we already know: we're gentlemen.

"What!?" I ask loudly. Me...flirt with Ally?

"You were all over each other yesterday. You laid in her lap and made her feed you and all this stuff. You told me you used to be attracted to that still true?" Yeah, I used to be attracted to Ally, but I never thought it would turn into anything. Once or twice I would think about what it would be like to be in a relationship with Ally, but that can't happen! She's my best friend! I'm not over Lindsay! She would never like me in that way!

"Niall, that's messing around with friends! Besides...I still love Lindsay."

"You never talk about her anymore, it doesn't seem like you think about her much, you don't get choked up when I bring her up anymore...I think you're over her, Lou." Over Lindsay? But she was such a big part in my life. We only dated for six months, but in those months she became my first serious relationship, my first love. How can I let her go so fast when she meant so much to me?

"I do still think about her, and I still cry over her, just not in front of you," I mumble. Why am I defending Lindsay so much? I don't understand myself. She broke my heart, she left me over something stupid. I should be trying to get over her and move on! I am! I guess Lindsay is just a part of me that I don't want to let go.

"I think you and Ally would be good together..." he says and leaves the room. He leaves me to my own confused thoughts.

Me with Ally? I guess I can see that. She has all of the qualities that I've always imagined the person I end up with having. She's funny, we always have a laugh together...even at work when we're on set! She's spontaneous. Like when we went bowling she acted crazy with me, or when we played volleyball in her pool and went crazy and she pushed me in with my towel on, we played a game with M&Ms for crying out loud, she even pulled down my pants in public one time! She's beautiful and there's no way to deny that. She shares the same passion as me: acting. Ally really would be perfect for me...

Woah, hold up! Did I just say that? Ally is my best friend! How weird would it be to date my best friend? She would never like me in that way. She only sees me as a friend and she has always made that clear to me. Since the day we met, she has told me that I am only a co-worker and friend. Why is that suddenly bothering me? The fact that she only wants to be friends almost makes me upset. It's like I want her to see me as more...

But there's still the topic of Lindsay. She's still important to me. But let's face it: she shouldn't be. I should move on and let her go. I have to. Maybe Ally can help with that.

Maybe I've been missing something all along. Maybe I should be with Ally. Maybe I want to be with Ally.


*Ally's POV*

I hate mornings. Seriously. Don't talk to me right now; odds are I'll kill you. I. Hate. Mornings.

Why? I can deal with interviews. I actually like them, but at 7 AM? I can't even think straight!

Lou is doing my make-up, and I'm just glad I can close my eyes while she's trying to fix my ghostly appearance.

Seeking Happiness - Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now