Chapter 24 - Meet the Parents

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A/N: Omg guys it's been so long and it's so sad but here's the next chapter! It has a time lapse and it catches you up on EVERYTHING and it's really long so I hope you like it! I really hope you aren't mad it took so long! Enjoy :) xx


Chapter 24 - Meet the Parents

*Ally's POV*

Three months have gone by. Louis and I are still together and going strong. I love him so much. I didn't think it was possible to be with someone for so long without getting sick of them. I'm nowhere near sick of Louis though, not even close. Actually it's the complete opposite. I hate not being around him. I miss him whenever we're apart, thank God that doesn't happen often. He makes me a better person, he brings out the best in me. He's always there to cheer me up when I'm down, to make a stupid joke, to tickle me, to hug me, to kiss me. He's always willing to listen when I need to talk to someone. He always knows the right thing to say, but he also knows when there's no need for words, when he just needs to hear me rant. He's come to know me almost as much as I know myself.

We're not perfect though. We fight like every other couple does. Not like huge, crying, screaming stuff. Just bickering from time to time. We always make up though. Sometimes I just need to be away from him for a bit and then I get over it.

Like one time when we were filming for the show. I was in a pissy mood, I wasn't doing well, I messed up the scene multiple times. Not the fun bloopers you see, though. I was getting so frustrated and no matter what Louis or Abby said, I was just pissed off.

"Cut!" our director shouted after I messed up again.

"God dammit," I grumble under my breath.

"We'll do this again tomorrow! Clearly we aren't getting anywhere today! You're all free to go!" he yelled and I bolted off the set as fast as I could. I just needed to get out of there. I got into Louis' car and slammed the door. Abby and Louis got in soon after. I just looked out the window.

"Well that dragged on forever," Louis said.

"I can't be perfect all of the time, ok!?" I snapped.

"I didn't say that."

"Well, obviously I'm the reason that it took forever."

"Why are you freaking out so much? It's not my fault you're in a pissy mood."

"Fuck off, Lou," I muttered.

"Ya know what, talk to me when you've removed whatever is up your arse," he said and I clenched my fists in anger. When I got home I let out a scream and spent the rest of the night pissed off. But by morning I felt really guilty. Now that I had cooled off, I realized I was being a bitch. When I saw Louis next he tried to apologize, but I just told him it was my fault. We kissed, hugged, all that good stuff.

So we fight, but nothing major.

Speaking of fighting, though, remember the two blondes who could never get along? The flirt and the sassy one? Niall and Abby? Well, I'm very pleased to announce that they're going out now. As in he's her boyfriend, she's his girlfriend. It's so cute! Niall took Abby on more and more dates, until finally he got her to admit she has feelings for him. He asked her, she said yes, I cried tears of joy. Ok, not really but almost! When they told us though, Louis and I hugged, jumped up and down, and kept chanting, "Mission accomplished!" It was a joyous day, and now they're just the most precious couple. Niall loves to hug her, to snuggle his face into her hair, to kiss her cheek. Abby loves playing with his hair, sitting on his lap, holding his hand. They love teasing each other, and they joke constantly. Sometimes they take jokes the wrong way and they bicker, but that doesn't stop them from messing around. They're always whispering and giggling together, like Louis and I do. You could say we're the cutest couples around. In fact you should say that, because it's true.

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